CONTENT = "RevealTrans (Duration=4, Transition=23)">
The Mark Roberts International Seniors Quartet Trophy created by the Grosse Pointe Chapter
The Grosse Pointe Chapter, wanting to honor the memory of their founder (and co-founder of the Pioneer District) approached the Society about a desire to establish an appropriate memorial in the form of an international trophy. On January 17, 1986, the Mark Roberts International Seniors Quartet Trophy was formally presented to the Society at the annual "Uncle Sam's Night" party hosted by the Windsor, Ontario, Canada Chapter. International Board Member Jim Gugeon carried it to the midwinter convention in Tucson, Arizona the following week and presented it to the winner of the first seniors' quartet contest, the GEORGE BAGGISH MEMORIAL Quartet
In addition to his extensive chapter activities, Mark was an International quartet finalist, singing with the DETROIT TURNERS in 1942; he was also Pioneer District president, member of the international contest and Judging Committee, a judge at 13 international contests, international treasurer, and, finally, the first secretary-treasurer of the Harmony Foundation.
Spring convention held in Saginaw
![]() The Ritz
Ivy League
The competitions were sharp, but the RITZ and the IVY LEAGUE qualified to represent the Pioneer District at the Salt Lake City convention in June. The Grand Rapids GREAT LAKES Chorus once again became the district champs.
Detroit-Oakland merger approved
The Pioneer District Board held a special meeting at the Send-Off show in Windsor on June 13. At this meeting the Board approved the following resolution: "It is moved that the Pioneer District Board of Directors approve the merger of the Oakland County Chapter and the Detroit #1 Chapter into one chapter, with Oakland County surrendering its charter, and the newly merged chapter will be called the `Detroit-Oakland' Chapter."
Salt Lake City outcome
Singing from the Salt Palace Arena stage were 50 quartets and 16 choruses. The RURAL ROUTE 4 from Kansas City, Missouri took the gold. The chorus trophy was presented to the HARMONIZERS Chorus from Alexandria, Virginia.
Although the GREAT LAKES Chorus finished in last place, it must be remembered that they were 16th out of approximately 500 choruses Society-wide who started in the fall of 1985. The RITZ and the IVY LEAGUE were exciting and entertaining. The RITZ, finishing 13th, moved up two notches, and the IVY LEAGUE, placing 24th, proved they are "comers" considering they were first-time competitors.
Battle Creek again hosts fall convention
Earl Berry
Clay Jones
![]() Jack Schneider |
Fran Jones |
At the fall convention, the House of Delegates elected the following officers for 1987: president, Earl Berry; executive vice president, Clayton Jones; secretary, Jack Schneider; treasurer, Fran Jones; vice president division I, Russ Seely; vice president division II, William Lang; vice president division III, Michael O'Donnell; vice president division IV, Don Bagely; and vice president division V, Paul Lehmkuhle.
The Wayne RENAISSANCE Chorus won the honor to represent the Pioneer District in the 1987 international chorus contest. In the district quartet contest finals, TOUCH OF CLASS! won as the district's quartet champion, BLUE RIBBON COALITION was named the district's junior quartet champion and the CHORDINARY GUYS attained the district novice quartet championship.
[index] | [1986] | [1987] | [1988] | [1989] | [1990] | [Contents] |