Many changes occur in district quartet personnel
Many district quartets experienced changes of personnel in the early part of 1976. Jim Johnson, who sang tenor with the CLASSMATES at the previous international, became the new tenor for a quartet called the SOUND EXPRESSION. The quartet included two former GALAXIES members, Bernie Poehlman, bass, and Al Van Iwaarden, baritone. Bob Buffham, who moved to Grand Rapids in 1975 and sang previously with the GALAXIES, became the lead for the foursome. In other changes, it was announced that Bob Whitledge and Al Rehkop of GENTLEMEN'S AGREEMENT fame had joined with Ben Williams and Jim Foley of FOUR RENEGADE and SATURDAY'S HEROES fame to form the PIECES OF EIGHT quartet. They planned on competing in the Illinois District. Lead Galen Oliver of the SOUND SPECTRUM called it quits due to business pressures.International Board approves Rocky Mountain District as the Society's 16th district
At the Orlando, Florida, midwinter convention, the International Board approved the formation of the Rocky Mountain District, which involved assimilating into the new district areas of the Central States District, Evergreen District, Southwestern District, and the Far Western District. Formation of the new district became effective as of January 1, 1978. It was announced also at the meeting that, while the Society was able to avoid any dues increase during the past three years, a review of our financial position made it painfully apparent that a dues increase would be a "must" during 1977. One of the C & J Committee recommendations, adopted by the Board at this meeting, was as follows: "No judge shall serve on a panel at a district, international preliminary or international contest if he has coached any of the contestants in that contest within the preceding thirty days." In one other C & J proposal, a clarification of the eligibility of quartet champions allowed two members from each of two champion quartets to form a new quartet and compete should they so desire; this was adopted by the Board. Discontent at Society headquarters leads to the resignation of Barrie Best Apparently, the rumblings of discontent at Society headquarters came to a head when International Executive Director Barrie Best resigned his position after having fired Society Music Director Bob Johnson and Member Services Director Bob Meyer. The action taken by Best apparently was promulgated by his feeling of being undermined by his staff at Kenosha, and that these moves were necessary to clear the air. Pioneer District officers were called to Lansing the following Sunday at 10 a.m. where, after much discussion, they hammered out a two-part resolution. This was presented to a meeting, that afternoon, of district officers, area counselors and representatives of chapters throughout the district. The resolution, signed by 49 of those attending, was as follows: RESOLVED, that for the good and well being of our Society, the International Board, through its Executive Committee, reinstate those employees dismissed from the international staff during the week of February 28, 1977, without loss of pay and/or other benefits, and that an investigation be conducted under the direction of the International Board to determine appropriate action. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the international president be requested to appoint a committee to study the present management structure of the Society, and that such committee be comprised of members exclusive of the Executive Committee, trained and experienced in management concepts. These resolutions were forwarded to President Aramian. The International Executive Committee was finishing up a lengthy session in Phoenix as this action was being taken in Lansing. The Board appointed Hugh Ingraham to the position of acting executive director until such time as a suitable replacement could be employed. Bob Johnson was retained to complete prior commitments or until his status could be determined regarding his pension. Grand Rapids takes 1977 chorus championship at MidlandGreat Lakes "77"
Vagabonds |
Great Lakes Express |
Foregin Policy |
Dan Labumbard
![]() Glenn Van Tassell
| ![]() Cecil Craig
We do not have pictures of the individuals named in the blank frames. If you have a picture of any missing individual and are willing to share it, please contact Steve Sutherland
Other news from around the district and the Society
![]() Joseph P. Wolff
Motor City Music Company
Doran McTaggart
1Bush League Champs at Boyne City
CADENCE COUNTS quartet from Wayne Mich chapter were Bush League champs. Bass-Jim Swisher, Bari-Clay Jones, Lead, Tom Pollard, Tenor-Jim McLane. 1All information in Red color is not part of Bob McDermott's original manuscript
Information and photograph about Cadence Counts provided by Clay Jones, Huron valley 2004.
[index] | [1976] | [1977] | [1978] | [1979] | [1980] | [Contents] |