Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
July 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #7

Grand Rapids Chapter

With help from other chapters in Traverse City and St. Joseph areas the Michigan Blood Centers were able to collect a total of 120 units making Michigan the second largest collector. 1st place goes to blood center Hema-Quebec of Canada who topped the chart with 180 units. All in all a good effort for our first time out. Thanks to all that participated in this worthy event and thanks also go to Barbra Koning and her staff.

Looking forward to doing this next year.

The following is feedback the Great Lakes Chorus received from MCBC and ABC. 

I wanted to send you a copy of the article that was published with the America’s Blood Centers. We received lots of press because of you guys! I wanted to thank you again for coming out on the 14th. It was fantastic to have you all here. Please pass this along to everyone in the group and let them know how much we appreciate all you guys did to help us out! I will contact you next year in late winter to see if we can work something out again for 2009! Thanks, again!

Barbara Koning
Special Events Assistant
Michigan Community Blood Centers

If you didn’t already see this e-publication from ABC, take a look & notice front-page story on Barbershop Harmony Society campaign, with Michigan Community Blood Centers drives mentioned as achieving second-highest draw (only Hema-Quebec drew more). Much of the credit for that goes to GR for combining the car show drive w/BHS campaign/4 barbershop music from GR area BHS — but every BHS affiliated group that participated (3 MCBC regions:  Traverse City, St. Joseph, Grand Rapids) should get abundant thanks and credit for helping us achieve this great result. Nice to get a little national-level “ink” in ABC’s publication — I hope you will make sure your BHS contacts know how much we appreciated their support.

Toni Gould
Michigan Community Blood Centers

Great Lakes Invitational Album

Blood Drive & Carshow
(click image for album)

Great Lakes Chorus

The Barbershop Harmony Society promoted a barbershop blood drive across the US and Canada on May 10th, 2008 called Singing for Life with Pioneer District Chapters also participating.  Considered a success the following was posted on the BHS website notice,

"More than 170 chapters participated in what was designed to be the largest North American blood drive and donor recruitment project in history."

"A special thanks to our blood center partners: Canadian Blood Services, American Red Cross, Héma-Quebec, and America’s Blood Centers." 

"Congratulations to all those who organized, participated in, and supported the May 10 event!"

by John H. Baker IV
GLC Blood Drive Chairman

The 'Society' wide Singing For Life barbershop blood drive was scheduled for May 10th, 2008 which fell on the same day as our Great Lakes Invitational spring show.  But not to be left out, June 14th 10am-2pm the Great Lakes Chorus with quartets Barbershop Style & 2008 International Representatives Wildcard joined with the Michigan Community Blood Centers' Grand Valley Blood Center 1036 Fuller NE Grand Rapids to help sponsor a Blood Drive and Car Show. With help from a local “Oldies” radio station remote, over fifty classic cars, and lots of good eats. We were able to get 118 donors signed in, with six new donors and collected 92 pints of blood. 

ABC Marketing Communications e-Newsletter Issue No. 66, June 26, 2008

Barbershop Harmony Society North
American Blood Drive Results

The Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS), in partnership with America’s Blood Centers, successfully completed its first annual “Singing for Life” North American Blood Drive. In order to ensure the continued success of this event in the future and at the request of BHS, ABC recently collected results from this year’s drive to provide both to the membership and BHS.

Of the 28 members who replied to the survey, 22 participated in BHS events. Through these drives nearly 800 units of blood were collected. The top collecting centers include Héma-Québec (180 units), Michigan Community Blood Centers (120 units) and United Blood Services – Las Vegas (84 units). The majority of participating members felt that there was plenty of planning time provided for the events, however, most did not use the PSAs developed by BHS. Some additional suggestions and comments included:

“I think having one year under our belt will help us improve next year. The groups were fun to have around.”

“Donors loved this!”

“It was an absolute pleasure to work with the local BHS chapter.”

ABC will continue to work with BHS to plan and promote the continuation of this event in upcoming years. With suggestions from both our members and their chapter representatives, we believe that the relationship between BHS and community blood centers across North America will continue to grow and improve. Contact Abbey at with any additional comments or suggestions.

Abbey Spittle
Coord inator, Member Services
America’s Blood Centers
Direct Line: +1 (202) 654-2980
It's About Life.


by Michael Baribeau, Webmaster

Great Lakes Chorus

June 17, 2008 a special guest night with visits not only from Robert Joskell of near by Greenville but also Chuck Kalkstine Past President Harmony Kings chorus and Country Squires Barbershop Quartet from Federal Way Washinton and Mike Beven of Ocean Harmony of New Forest Hampshire (Southampton) England. 

Grand Rapids Arts Festival

WA. & UK Ambassadors
(click image for album)

Mike presented the Grand Rapids Barbershop Chapter Great Lakes Chorus, Michigan USA with a photo and greeting from across the pond.



by Michael Baribeau, Webmaster

Great Lakes Chorus

June 20th, 2008 the Grand Rapids Barbershop Chapter Great Lakes Chorus performed for the outdoor River Bank Music Series in Stage Coach Park Middleville MI. The weather was fantastic with beautiful clear blue skies and comfortable temperatures along the Thornapple River. 

Great Lakes Chorus Logo

Stage Coach Park Middleville
(click image for album)

The Chorus sang from a large raised pavilion lined with bushes of pink flowers to a grassy bowl shaped park filled with families of music lovers on blankets and in lawn chairs. It felt like a good old fashioned summer time concert with birds darting in and out of the pavilion, kids rolling down the hill and some young boys were even playing touch football in the back. Grand Rapids quartets Wildcard the 2008 Pioneer District International Quartet Representatives and Shades Of Grey were big hits with the crowd.


by Jim Gillette, President
Great Lakes Chorus

The Great Lakes Chorus is beginning a search to replace its current director who will be leaving by the end of the 2008 calendar year. Current director, Dr. Curt Struyk, will be retiring as director and the chapter will need to have someone in place no later than January, 2009.

The Great Lakes Chorus is a very active chapter in the Grand Rapids community, has become increasingly competitive in recent years, and has begun to draw more and younger members to its risers over the past several months.

Great Lakes Chorus Logo

Conducting Director Search
(click image for website)

This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who has skills as a director and a passion for barbershop singing.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest to chapter president, Jim Gillette, via this email link or by sending a letter to

Jim Gillette
599 6th Street
Pentwater, Michigan 49449.

Chorus info at website
