Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
June 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #6

Wayne Chapter

It was clear from the beginning that Wally would be one of the guys who could always be counted on, whether it was for singing in the ensemble, passing around get well cards, or tweaking our director with a well-placed non-verbal comment.

Walter Jennings contributions to our chapter’s livelihood and good times are numerous, and everyone who knows him, appreciates his presence and accurate melodic singing. Wally keeps us going each night with his break-time refreshments, including home-made cookies which he cleverly disguises as store-bought, and assorted beverages. He was instrumental in helping us relocate to Kirk of Our Savior Church when our old rehearsal venue was no longer available, and has been a steady, reliable contact for us on all our ongoing communications and requests, including use of the church for extra rehearsals and meetings. Wally’s reliability and punctuality are the cornerstone of hobbies like ours and sometimes are easy to take for granted.

Wally’s easy, friendly manner belie his history as one of our Nation’s finest, having given service time in the Marines, doing the important work of protecting our freedoms and ensuring them for future generations. He was reputed to have done important espionage work with James Bond, although this has never been confirmed, Wally’s quartet work is, of course, a cover for his continuing surveillance missions.

2007 BOTY Walter Jennings
(click image to enlarge)

by Frank Adams
Renaissance Chorus

The Wayne Chapter proudly announces its recipient of the 12th Annual “Albert J. Fricker” Memorial Award “for Barbershopper of the Year for 2007. An excellent member of our Lead section, an all-round chapter contributor in many ways, a quartet singer, a man who helps our Chapter keep the Green Light on for performances, and the Red Light on at breaks, this honoree is our own— Wally Jennings

A member for 8 years now, Wally has been part of the backbone of the chapter since he joined and has helped keep our chapter strong as we’ve moved into the 21st Century.

All kidding aside, Wally has been the versatile lead for 3 D’s & W from it’s inception and his range has allowed them to explore many types of music in their repertoire. His quartet regularly participates in the chapter’s Singing Valentines and Wally is always game to join in the regular “after hours” singing that frequently occurs on Tuesday nights.

A member of our Chorus Front Row, Wally is strategically located in the position most ideally suited to the important task of “reining our director in”. Sometimes Scott will do something “irregular” during a song, and Wally is always ready with an impish or knowing look to redirect Scott back on to the straight and narrow! Scott has described Wally as “my own personal barometer”.

In our hobby, as in all of life, there are people that you can accurately describe as “team players”, or “people you’d like to go into battle with”. Wally is such a man. We’re lucky he’s on the risers with us, and better people are getting to spend time with him.

For all the above reasons, and many others, Wally Jennings is the perfect choice for our Wayne Chapter 2007 Barbershopper of the Year, along with the ever-accompanying GGG “Good Going Guy” Award.

Sempre Fi, Walter Jennings!

