Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
June 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #6

Muskegon Chapter

A website exists -, where you can see video of previous workshops, sponsor students, or register students (send no money yet!). In your neighborhood, we need you to approach your local school choir directors and show them how this camp can improve their student's ear and singing skills. See also the video at the, the camp which is the pattern for ours, for points to help on this. Their video is fine and expensive, ours is fun but cheap! RockinBarbershop '09 - Michigan Camp in August
PO Box464
Whitehall MI 49461-0464

What Is Rockin' Barbershop Camp?

Three days (two overnights) of fun for high school students, both young men and women, interested in vocal performance. The camp will be held at (tentatively) Interlochen Center for the Arts.  

Muskegon Logo

Rockin' Barbershop Camp
(click image for website)

by Jeffrey L Pierson
VP Youth in Harmony
Muskegon Shoreline Chours

Rockin' Barbershop Camp 2009 is hosted by Shoreline Chorus

2009 Youth Camp at Interlochen.  Plans for a co-ed youth harmony camp are progressing for August of 2009. The Interlochen Center for the Arts is working with us to firm up a contract, and clinicians are already volunteering. 
Professional vocal instruction at an affordable price. An opportunity to sing with and learn from talented performers. A crash course in the intricacies of four-part, a cappella harmony. Instruction and experience in singing technique and stage presence. A performance in front of 750 barbershop enthusiasts. Special attention will be given to student quartets. A chance to make new friends from across the state.

Jeffrey L Pierson
VP Youth in Harmony
Home phone 231-894-6838
Cell 616-990-1388 also SMS
Mail - 6112 Murray Road, Whitehall MI 49461

*Our 27 September Shows (Matinee/Evening) will be during Whitehall's Harvest Festival, and include a food tent, shopping, and general happy mayhem. Use our events page link as the place to get more updates!