Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
May 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #5

Post Convention

A special thanks to the presentation judge we met with, Judd Orff. He laid down the law about singing in the Hospitality Suites when sick. Short version – DON'T. He had a scary story about his own vocal cords. Let's just leave it at: be nice to your vocal chords.

How about those behind the scenes guys? Guys like Gregg Humble, who manages the big screen and Don Kill, who pretty much manages everything back stage. And those chapter guys who walk everyone around and say encouraging stuff, like "Is that one of your contest songs"?

Thanks to all the competing quartets, and congratulations to Wildcard. Chordiology will be rooting for you in July, so Go Wildcard!

I was surprised how much fun I had going to the hospitality suites even though I didn't sing. While it's more fun to sing, the barbershop family is fun no matter what is happening.

Actually, I feel a blog coming on, so visit soon.

Thanks again Pioneer!

by Brian Philbin
for Metropolis

On behalf of Metropolis, I just wanted to thank you all for your hospitality and enthusiasm over the course of the weekend. We felt extremely welcomed and Bob's & my quartet mates were very impressed by the amount of fun everyone was having.

You should all be proud of your District leadership for putting on a fine convention. Having the facility to provide big screen monitors and videos for the contestants is something that other districts still struggle to obtain.

Thank Yous

by Dave Spizarny, Bass

Chordiology had another great weekend – come to think of it, a typical barbershop weekend. Friday's QCA meeting was …… interesting. You really should get invited to one. In the end, the Kevlar we wore underneath our Chordiology jackets wasn't even necessary, as the chain link vests beneath our shirts would have been protection enough, although some of those barbs were quite sharp.

We probably had more fun at the Audacity class than the people listening, and we even learned some stuff too. We hope to repeat this class in the Fall.

As for the Competition, well, we didn't let Cliff's and my laryngitis stop us from competing. The show must go on, you know.

Some public thanks from Chordiology are in order, although please don't be offended if I don't mention your name. I'm terrible with names. Just ask my wife, Gail…or is it Barbara?

Thanks to everyone in the QCA for treating us so well. Talk about going out of your way to make us feel welcome and at home – what a great bunch of guys, really.

The judges, who give us so much of their time, deserve way more credit, although don't tell anyone I said that. Sometimes, their criticisms are so gentle that it makes me think that they're almost human.
 Everything was close and simple - the way it should be. We only wish that we'd had the opportunity to see more hospitality rooms on Saturday night. Singing tags with many of those left in the lobby early into the next morning was a real treat for us, though - what a great time!

We look forward to seeing many of you in Nashville, as well - thank you for all of your support! We love you, Pioneer!!!

Pax, harmonia

by Bobby, SEP Quartet
(a.k.a. Saturday Evening Post Quartet)

First ... thank you so much for allowing SEP to compete at the Pioneer District. We had a wonderful time and were treated like gold by your district and the folks who attended the contest. We were made to feel very welcome.

The contest was run extremely well as far as we were concerned and thanks to all the "purple shirts" who were helping make it so.

We've been competing for a long time and [. . .] we have prioritized "having fun" as our top goal. In that regard, the Pioneer District had at least (7) hospitality rooms (I know there were at least that many because we sang in every one of them!). We went straight to the rooms and had a BLAST singing for and meeting many of the people of the Pioneer District. For us ... that was time well spent!

Hopefully, we'll be able to come back and do some shows in your area. Please let everyone know that they can hire "SEP for a Song" and we will do their chapter show in 2008 or 2009 for "EXPENSES ONLY"! We're donating our show fee back to the chapter!

Again ... thanks so much for all your work and for having us up there.
