Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
April 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #4

Windsor Chapter

It’s a thing that gets overlooked from time to time. It took place a long time ago and hence it is easy to forget.

This International thing was brought home to me recently while traveling with my wife to the beautiful island of Barbados. Barbados is the most easterly island of the Windward Islands in the Caribbean.

During our stay there was one evening that the entertainment happened to be a very good male vocalist and of course being one who appreciates a good singer I took the opportunity to introduce myself after he’d finished his set. During the course of our conversation I told him that I sang Barbershop. I assumed I would have to go into a lengthy explanation as this fellow was a native Bajan. 
Essex County Tartan

And Live In Perfect Harmony
(click image for info)

by Bill Strong, Program VP

There are times when one has to sit back and consider that our little old Windsor Chapter is the chapter that made this wonder organization of ours truly International and we are truly grateful to our American cousins. 
Much to my surprise he informed me that a while ago he’d spent considerable time with a Barbershop chorus from Colchester England no less, and that they had taught him a number of tags. He was thoroughly impressed with our brand of singing. At that point in our conversation our only problem was that there were only two of us and try as we might we couldn’t find two other parts to be able to sing a few tags.

After having returned home with some time to reflect on my vacation it dawned on me one more time how truly International our organization is and that it had its “International” start right here in our Windsor Chapter.

I know I will be excused if this article seems a little boastful but one must take every opportunity to blow one’s horn. ‘Cause if we don’t who will.
