Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
April 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #4

Quartet Champions Association

by Marv Burke, 4-Fits

The Steering Committee met in January at President Russ Seely's home.  We made the following decisions: we will provide Judges, Coaches and a feature quartet for the Bush League Contest, mentors will be available to any quartet that have not made the cut in any contest.

QCA logo

QCA Helps Bush League
(click photo for website)

Membership in the QCA : a quartet must achieve a score of 85% in the District Contest and  a score of 58% in the Senior Contest. A recipient was chosen for the Glenn VanTassel Award and will be announced after the Saturday Night Finals. Look for the new shirts that QCA Members will be wearing at the Spring Convention.
Congratulations to Resisting Arrest for their Silver Medal at the Mid-Winter Senior Contest, yes T.C. second place again.