Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
March 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #3

Windsor Chapter

Valentine’s Day started off pretty early as three members of “Desperate Measures” traveled in from the county to meet up with Doran our baritone at 8:00am.  Our first call was at a local high school to sing for a teacher who was totally surprised as we sang our songs as a gift from her husband. The tears flowed like buttermilk. During the mid part of the morning a videographer from our local French language TV station caught up with us and insisted on interviewing several of our next recipients. We found that a little strange in that none of the people he interviewed spoke French. We let him do his thing but I think the odds of it hitting the air would be slim. On a humorous note one of our stops was for a young lady who was convinced her husband was a “jerk” when she left home that morning (lover’s spat) but after we sang our love songs she agreed that all was forgiven.  In all we did some 26 Valentines which left us a little tired by the time 5:00pm rolled around.

Desperate Measures

Singing Valentine
Mends Lovers Spat
(click image to enlarge)

Desperate Measures
Bernie Hall Tenor, Bill Strong Lead, Doug Scott Bass and Doran Mctaggart Bari

by Bill Strong
Sun Parlour Chorus

Hi lites of the day were many.  One that comes to mind might be the one in the nursing home where the recipient was a 90 year old grandma who was given her gift from her “out of town” son. She was thrilled. We also sang for the widow of one of our recently deceased members and that was a toughy. Emotions were pretty high. We did sing for Doran’s daughter and his daughter-in-law and that was pretty special. For me it was singing for my 13 year old grand daughter and that was very emotional. I won’t forget it for a while.

Our chapter had three quartets performing this year and our combined efforts brought much joy to the people who received our songs, roses and cards.
