Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
March 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #3

Sault Ste. Marie Chapter

Peter McLarty, our beloved Pres, did us proud with the introduction of our new B.O.T.Y., keeping many of us in suspense while he listed the positive attributes of Wes, our BOTY.  He's a long time member, has been a member of a number of quartets and added a whole lot to our chapter.  As our warmup man, he gets us ready to sing and bouncy in anticipation of the work to come that night.  As our pitch man, he is always ready and poised to give us the starting shot.  

As a quartet coach, we've found him invaluable, especially in getting new quartetters to be aware of what they are presenting to the public. 

Sault Ste. Marie Chapter

BOTY Wes Triplett
(click image for album)

by Art Fink
The Northland Barbershop Chorus

We're back, and with our brand-new Barbershopper Of The Year!

Let's all extend our greetings to Wes, in that sunnier clime of Hawaii, and be happy when he returns to the helm of warmup.

Our thanks also to the organizers of Ladies' night, as it went off mostly without a hitch.  The toasts were masterful, giving us something to think about, with each one.  Bernie's reminder of our shared hobby being a bridge between our two countries also made me think more closely about what effect we have on each other, and our cultures.