Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
March 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #3

Saginaw Bay Chapter

This year we did not do a full blown activity, but, we did have a newly forming quartet go to a local radio station to sing for the husband of one of their employee's; Sue Smith.  This station, WSGW, with Art Lewis and Sue Smith has been very supportive of our Chapter for many years in promoting our Shows and other activities.

Jerry Hammond, our Chorus Manager, arranged to have Dave Szutkowski(Tenor), Jack Guttowsky(Base), Bill Matson(Lead), and a new member to our Chorus Jeff Bonn(Bari) sing 'On The Air'.  About a week later Jerry received the following email...
Jerry:  After your Valentine's appearance(which was wonderful!  Thanks so much, again!) we received a very touching note I'd love to have you pass on to your Harbor Sounds guys (below)!

Sue Smith, WSGW

Saginaw Bay Chapter

Love Is In The Airwaves
(click image to enlarge)

by Ralph Brown
Harbor Sounds Chorus

Our Chapter has done Singing Valentines for the past eight years and have had many interesting situations occur including one 'Proposal of Marriage'.
Dear Sue and Art:
This is to thank you and your show "Listen to the Mrs" program for the best  Valentine gift I have ever received.  We were listening to the show on valentine's Day and you had a quartet on, and one of the songs they sang was "Let Me Call You Sweetheart."  We have been married 59 years, and my husband suffers from Alzheimer's dementia.  When the quartet sang that song, my husband sang along to me, a truly rare gift!  Just thought you would like to know that your show touches lives in many ways.  Thank you so much.  (and THANK YOU ALL!  God bless you always and all ways!)

Charlene in Gladwin.

This is just one more example of how far reaching and rewarding our hobby can be without our knowlege unless a message like this comes back to us.  YOU GOTTA LOVE IT!!!!!!! 