by Jim Kunz
Pioneer President
On February 16th, my wife Kris and I were fortunate to be able to
attend one of those “once in a lifetime” events. Friends,
family and fans of Power Play all came together to celebrate the
artistry and accomplishments of Pioneer’s own Power Play!
While we all could have been a little sad, had we focused on Power
Play’s upcoming retirement, the inspiring and entertaining
performances and tributes by the outstanding quartets and other
presenters quickly dispelled any such feelings.
Some of the highlights of the evening include:
1. Getting a chance to reconnect with fans and friends in the audience,
who came from all over the US, Canada and the UK to join in the fun.
2. Listening to
Doran McTaggart, that Emcee Extraordinaire, whose stories never fail to amuse.
3. Seeing and hearing
'Big' Mike Slamka singing with
Don, Mike and Jack Slamka, in
Family Forum once again.
4. The
Rural Route 4, in their
blue velvet overalls and red shirts, performing with their homespun
humor. They had us all tapping our feet and smiling along with them
from start to finish.