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March 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #3

Harmony University

Jim DeBusman
Music Educator
Quartet Development & Promotion

My friends,

At Harmony University 2008, we are adding a wonderful new program to our weekend called an eXtreme Quartetting Brigade.

Allow me to give you my personal perspective about this kind of weekend for having just experienced the Indiana Harmony Brigade this past November.  The eXtreme Quartetting Brigade is truly a high for anyone who loves to quartet.  

Harmony University Logo

(click image for website)
The fellowship, ringing chords and just plain enjoyment of singing with your fellow Barbershoppers is what it’s all about.  I was very apprehensive when I first decided to go…specifically regarding the time needed to prepare.  Ten songs is lot of music to learn really well and . . . I just didn't know what to expect!  However, when I arrived, I realized this was a quartet singers place to be.  There was no question everyone was very dedicated and knew their music.  It was without a doubt a most fulfilling experience for me.  In fact, if it weren’t for my role as the coordinator of our Harmony University’s Quartet College, I would be a part of the HUXQB this summer.

We certainly hope to see you as a part.