Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
March 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #3

Contest & Judging

by Ron Eubank,
Contest Administrator

I've seen a coupla singing applicants posted so please join me in congratulating Jim Ryan who has been accepted into the Contest Administrator development program.

Just to refresh your memory about the journey, when Glen Hipple, Denny Gore and Jim are accepted they are officially termed "applicants" while they take some written tests and some other stuff. If they then get invited to Candidate School later this summer and then pass those tests, they are labeled "candidates" and can practice at official contests. 

Pioneer District logo

New Blood
(click image for website)

This current bunch will be the "class of 2010" because that's when they will have the opportunity to be invited to Category School and if they pass that one too, then they will be certified.

It's a long, sometimes tedious, always pressured journey to become certified and we should all join in wishing these guys "all the best!"

Harmony & Understanding,