Uncle Sam Night in January in
Windsor is always a great draw and this year was no exception. We
hosted 89 singers including quartets headed by our own Pioneer District
Champions “Chordiology” followed by “Singing with Dad” and “Moxy” It
doesn’t get much better than that. Windsor contributed with their own
“Desperate Measures” plus 3 pickups quartets.
Chouses got into
the act with Windsor, Grosse Pointe, Macomb and DOC doing their bit.
Not to be outdone, Doran did his own unique “Chorus Contest” which
allowed everyone in the room to be on stage. Judging by the name
selection by these choruses they all sang like birds. The food was
great and hopefully everyone got their fill, even though it was a
little late.
Windsor is so proud to host this fine evening each
year and it truly brought back memories of the old days when Chapter
visitations were the norm.