International Prelims College Quartet Contest.
(Remember, college entries go through HQ, not me.) Contest entry
deadline is two weeks prior to convention. I need them all by midnight
Thursday April 10th. (I already have the contest entry for Something
The Mr. Joe Liles is our Joe Barbershop Director. Joe has
done it all - Society staff in many positions for years, Singing Judge,
Director, Coach, etc. Don't miss this chance to sing under him. He has
chosen Nellie, and Heart of My Heart. See you Saturday morning (April
26th) at 10:15 a.m. (in the gym?).
Please mail your $35 DVD
checks (made out to Pioneer District) as soon as you enter the contest
to Robb Smith - Pioneer District, 46210 Copper Lock Lane, Macomb, MI
48044. If you prepay, you can pick up your DVD from Allan in the truck
after that session. If you don't prepay, send $40 to Robb after
convention to get your DVD.
As always, we need a good sound check
quartet to test the mikes at 3:30 p.m. Friday afternoon (April 25th at
the school). You may be a contest quartet but may not sing any contest
material at the sound check.