15) Picking songs to sing - where to find music, where to get ideas, etc.
16) Script writing for a quartet or chorus show
17) How to make it creative (your quartet or chorus show)
few more classes are still in the works. All classes will be conducted
during the time at sea or early hours before port visits so that our
participants will not miss anything the ship or ports have to offer.
The tour package will include:
All port fees and taxes
Rehearsals for the show (3-5 sessions)
A shirt for performance on the show.
Coaching session(optional)
Classes(as many as you choose)
All music and learning tools.
Group dinner with performers
Welcome kick off event with Vocal Spectrum and ZING! And more!
more information contact Doug Weaver at Witte Travel
Email or 866-949-9450. You can also get updated
information, including a brochure and application form, at