Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
January 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #1

Pioneer District Secretary (Retired)

What a pleasure it has been -- and what a thrill it has been -- to be Pioneer District Secretary for the last six years, to be able to participate in a constructive and helpful way in all the administrative functions of the of Pioneer District.

In my dealings over the last six years with District Officers, Society VIPs, Chapter Officers and just plain Joe Barbershoppers, the positive social and business experiences I have had are just too many to count, and, in all my dealings, I cannot recall even one unpleasant experience.
PioD LogoMarvin Skupski

Marvin Skupski Retires

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Pioneer District:

Please give our new Pioneer District Secretary Joe Serwach the same support and respect you have shown me. Joe is a good competent man and will do a good job for us.

I am not moving out of the Pioneer District so I will be in attendance at future conventions, and I will be continuing to do some miscellaneous assignments for the District. Wave and say Hi!

Marvin Skupski
Pioneer District Secretary (Retired)
