Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
January 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #1

Macomb Chapter

After two remarkable Christmas shows featuring both the Guardians of Harmony and the Toronto Northern Lights and an afterglow that no one wanted to leave, the chorus took the rest of December off.  A well deserved break was just the medicine we all needed to heal our spirits and invigorate our desire to start all over again.  As proof of our determination and motivation, the Guardians of Harmony, to a man, promised to learn two brand new songs over the Holiday and show up to our first rehearsal of 2008 without bringing paper onto the risers.  We feel that this is what it’s going to take to be on top.

The trouble with taking a break is that we miss that fellowship and harmony.  So, the Guardians hosted a quartet fun night on December 14.  About fifty fellows showed up.  After a brief warm up and “The Old Songs” lead by Matt Tipton, the musical mayhem commenced.  Four guys were volunteered and a round of tap out
pick up quartet

Winter Break Fun Night
(click image for website)

by Roger Walker, VP PR Mkt.
Guardians of Harmony

Many of you can relate to the hard work and long hours that go into successful shows, contests and other appearances, so it should come as no surprise that the were ready to take a break. 

 quartet singing started the quartet activities.  Carl Dalke taught the whole gang a tag to segue into exhibitions by registered quartets including “Moxxy,” (with Joe Queen on lead) “Fermata Nowhere,” “Singing With Dad,” and our own district champion “Chordiology.”  If you weren’t there, you missed the stylings of lesser known quartets such as “Fermata With Dad” and “Moxiology” and even “Singing With FerMoxiology.”  Another tag by Carl and then we really mixed things up.  Everyone had opportunity to sing in a quartet or two.  The evening most certainly sparked the imaginations of some future quartet singers.  Attendees were encouraged to wear badges from all of the quartets of which they had been a part.  I think the tie goes to TC and Dave Anderson for “Most Hardware.”  It felt like we all returned to society roots.  Please consider being a part of events like this and encourage others to take advantage of these opportunities.