Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
January 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #1

Holland Chapter

by Art Lane
PR & The Windmill Blade Editor
Holland Windmill Chorus

The Holland Windmill Chorus held its Christmas concert Dec. 9 2007 at the Park Theater in downtown Holland.  An offering was received and donated by the Holland Chapter to the Park Theater Foundation.  It will assist in renovation 

Holland Chapter

Christmas Concert Funds For Theater Renovation
(click image for website)

of the former movie theater into a community performance center.

Kirk Wood and Mike Oonk directed the chorus.  Chapter quartets performing included Havin' A Blast, Generations of Harmony and No Rehearsal Band.

After the concert the singers served coffee, hot chocolate, cider and cookies to an admiring throng.