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January 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #1

Fermata Nowhere Retires

Play had done.  But that changed with an email on behalf of the quartet (included here) announcing their retirement. 

The Grosse Pointe Chapter Lakeshore Chorus website confirmed the loss saying,
"...those of us that have listened to their fine blend of voices agree they will be missed."

And this comment from Windsor Chapter's Bill Strong, "We are much saddened by the news that Fermata Nowhere have put their pitch pipe away. They were always special in Windsor’s eyes and will not be forgotten."

Fermata Nowhere's Bari Steve Pauling, tenor Jeff Gougeon, bass Pete Burns, and lead Tom Conner had done themselves, their chapter, the community, and the Pioneer District proud and will most certainly be missed.   

Fermata Nowhere

Done Themselves Proud
(click image to enlarge)

by Editor Michael Baribeau

Fermata Nowhere from the Grosse Pointe Chapter announced their retirement in November 2007.  After a determined 7 years they had become a very popular quartet on the District competition stage providing some great performances and exciting close scores.  In 2006 they won District Quartet Champs and in both 2006 and 2007 they won as Pioneer District International Quartet Representatives.  They competed admirably on the International stage and in time with increasing International experience it was hoped they might work their way up to number one just like Power 

To all my barbershop and non-barbershop friends--

This Wednesday’s, Nov. 7th 2008 performance on Grosse Pointe’s show and glow will be my last as tenor of Fermata Nowhere. With my leaving the quartet, Fermata Nowhere has decided to officially retire.

I have found it necessary to re-evaluate what I need to do to focus on my current life situation and job prospects, and how my barbershop ‘career’ and love of barbershop and vocal music factor into that.

The last 7 years have been very rewarding and we will always treasure our memories of Fermata Nowhere and all our accomplishments together. We are so very pleased and thankful to have won the Pioneer District Championship and represented Pioneer in not just one but two Internationals. We especially thank you all for your support, encouragement, and friendship. It’s been an honor.

Jeff Gougeon For Fermata Nowhere--
Steve, Tom, Pete, Jeff