Troubadour Title
Subtitle Michigan Ontario Barbershop News Pioneer District Barbershop Harmony Society
January 2008                ArchiveAdsSubmissions Links          Online Edition #1

Pontiac-Waterford Chapter

The Pontiac-Waterford Big Chief Chorus has concluded another gig-filled Christmas season. During November and December 2007, the barbershop chorus morphs into an all-comers Christmas chorus.  Between December 4 and 22, armed with a repertoire of nine songs, half-and-half sacred and secular, the chapter sang to 27 groups, including elder-care facilities, business groups, grocery stores, medical facilities, show sponsors’ businesses, and the Holly Dickens Festival. Eighteen of these involved the whole chorus although they also included in-house quartets whenever available – B-Natural, Celebration, Four Wheel Drive, On Tap, Local Color IV, and Northbound Sound. We averaged 42 singers per singout this year compared to 33 last year, illustrating the growth of the chorus under new director Tom Blue, and also the decision to welcome several Sweet Adelines for the holiday 
Big Chiefs and Director

Big Chief's Christmas Sing-Out Has Grown And New Director Tom Blue (click photo for album)

Story & Photos by John Cowlishaw, Pontiac-Waterford Newsletter Editor

season. A 23-minute audio recording of the concert  at Canterbury on the Lake is available on our web site, by clicking on the Holiday photo half way down the home page. At the chorus party following that concert, framed certificates were handed out to all the participants, and the winners of annual awards were announced. Barbershop-of-the Year award went to outgoing-president and Four Wheel Drive bass, Zaven Melkonian. Fred McFadyen received the Rawley Hallman Music award, and spoke emotionally of the joy of singing with a group whose primary purpose was to enjoy singing.

The chorus re-gathers at Crary Middle School January 8, 2008, under the leadership of President-elect “Doc” Mann, the new Executive Board, and director Tom Blue.