The following compilation of the history of the Pioneer District has been a long time in coming. We hope it will bring enjoyment to all who read it.
My father, Robert T. McDermott, began working on this manuscript in 1988. As many of you know, he was unable to complete the last chapter due to his advancing terminal illness.
Realizing his condition, he enlisted the help of his dear friends, Francis Durham and Maria McClinchey.My thanks to Fran, who assisted in gathering data from 1985 through 1990, and while some of the writing style is different from my Dad's, it seemed appropriate to include the material in order to complete the history. I was also able to extrapolate excerpts from Dad's tenure as Troubadour editor, so most of the flavor remains the same.
I want to thank Maria McClinchey for her contribution in proofreading and editing.
In memory of my father, I took it upon myself to finish his dream. I enlisted the help of Thomas Uicker, to whom I am deeply indebted for his time, dedication and computer/editorial knowledge that he so freely gave to "the cause". Without Tom, this manuscript would not be in its present format.
If I have not mentioned anyone or any single event that was significant, I apologize for the oversight as it is not my intention to slight anyone. Please understand that I lack the knowledge and my Dad's resources.
Since beginning this project, I, in my own way, have become closer to my father, and now realize why he loved this organization so and made it such an integral part of his life. I have gained a deep admiration and respect for barbershopping, which I once erroneously thought of as my Dad's foolish hobby.
I also want to thank my Mom, Dottie McDermott, for her understanding and patience in seeing this endeavor to the end. We can now close the final chapter of Dad's vision—a 50 year history of the Pioneer District.
Nancy McDermott Ward