Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District Seniors
Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Battle Creek, Michigan, October 17, 1992

S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc., Battle Creek, Michigan, October 17, 1992

                            ---- SONG 1 ---  ---- SONG 2 --- SND   TOTAL
                            SND INT S P ARR  SND INT S P ARR ADJ   SCORE
1 Prime Time                 62  73  61   4   63  76  60   2  63    464
2 Sounds of Senility         60  62  59   3   59  63  58   0  60    424
3 High Fibre Octaves         58  70  52   3   55  69  57   1  57    422
4 Sunnyside                  61  68  52  -2   56  66  43   2  59    405
5 Class Reunion              55  60  50   4   56  57  48   6  56    392
6 The Leftovers              56  62  50   2   50  65  48   1  53    387
7 Four Gettibles             50  51  50   0   49  49  48  -1  50    346
8 Good News Ambassadors      40  57  44   3   44  54  39   4  42    327
9 Re-Probates                46  56  44   2   42  53  39   0  44    326
10 Grand Travelers           44  44  52  -2   42  45  50   1  43    319
11 Four Bucks A Chord        40  48  44   4   37  51  49   2  39    314

1 Heart Of My Heart                             From The First Hello
2 Mammy                                         Don't Cry Little Girl
3 When I'm 64                                   You Were Only Foolin'
4 Ragtime Cowboy Joe                            Pal of My Cradle Days
5 Moonlight Bay                                 Emaline
6 I'm Alone Because I Love You                  If You Had All The World And It's Gold
7 Side By Side                                  If You Had All The World And It's Gold
8 The Old Quartet of Mine                       Melancholy Baby
9 There'll Be No New Tunes                      Moonlight Bay
10 I'm Alone Because I Love You                 My Wild Irish Rose
11 My Wild Irish Rose                           When The Circus Came To Town

PANEL: CHM         SND             INT             SP              ARR             SEC
Bauer-PIO       Mills-PIO       Stewart-PIO    Hanover-PIO     Skupski-PIO     Gillespie-PIO
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