Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District Seniors
Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Battle Creek, Michigan, October 19, 1991

Battle Creek, Michigan, October 19, 1991

The Panel Of Judges
  Chairman              John W. Bauer              Alpena, MI              Pioneer
  Sound                 John W. Bauer              Alpena, MI              Pioneer
  Interpretation        Michael J. O'Donnell       Grand Rapids, MI        Pioneer
  Stage Presence        Gene Hanover               Bridgman, MI            Pioneer
  Arrangement           Marr Skupski               Westland, MI            Pioneer
  Secretary             William C. Warner          Oak Park, MI            Pioneer

                             SND         INT     S P      ARR   TOTAL
                            1   2  ADJ  1   2   1   2    1   2  SCORE
1 Friends Indeed            59  63  61  63  65  49  56   2   5  423
2 The Rusty Hinges          56  54  55  62  63  54  55   5   1  405
3 Class Reunion             56  56  56  57  54  57  57   1   5  399
4 The Grand Travelers       57  58  58  55  59  43  64   1   1  376
5 The Four Score and More   51  49  50  50  47  55  51   1  -3  351
6 The Last Goodby           52  48  50  56  52  48  43   2  -1  350
7 Four Old Parts            56  50  52  50  55  44  44  -2   0  347

Friends Indeed is the Pioneer District Seniors Quartet Champion.
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