Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
International Preliminary Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Battle Creek, Michigan, April 26-27, 1991

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Battle Creek, Michigan, April 27, 1991

The Panel Of Judges
  Chairman                  John W. Bauer          Alpena, MI            Pioneer
  Sound                     Alen G. Copp           Lakeland, FL          Sunshine
                            James DeBusman         Kenasha, WI           Land O' Lakes
  Interpretation            Paul Wigley            Algona, IA            Central States
                            Wayne Wright           Sterling, IL          Illinois
  Stage Presence            William Dorow          Franklin, WI          Land O' Lakes
                            Joe O'Brien            Whippeny, NJ          Mid-Atlantic
  Arrangement               Steve Armstrong        Oshaua, QNT           Ontario
                            Tom Gentry             Kenosha, WI           Land O' Lakes
  Secretary                 John T. Gillespie      Kalaaazoo, MI         Pioneer
  Assistant Secretary       John Barker            DeKelb, IL            Illinois
  Timekeepers               Richard Campbell       Battle Creek, MI      Pioneer
                            Richard Smith          Battle Creek, MI      Pioneer
  Practice Panel Chm        John W. Bauer          Alpena, MI            Pioneer

                                                                SUB  PREV TOTAL@
FINALS                         SND      INT      S P     ARR   TOTAL PTS. SCORE SECONDS
 1 Power Play                149 155  146 153  132 140   5  4  1036  1017 2053  144 187
 2 Escapades                 148 146  149 150  127 126  -3 -6   984   970 1963  191 990
 3 Blue Ribbon Coalition     121 126  148 150  132 130   7  3   941   923 1864  184 164
 4 Dutch Masters             133 132  140 148  128 130   1  5   950   886 1836  156 150
 5 Great Escape              120 1l9  133 141  127 133  -2 -1   890   940 1830  132 192
 6 Brighter Side             127 120  141 146  ll0 114  -6  0   885   916 1801  151 191
 7 Collector's Choice        130 132  192 136  123 129   3  3   924   867 1791  120  85
 8 Furniture City Chord Co.  112 114  124 121   98  99   3  3   790   785 1575  118 146
 9 Sound Management          109 105  119 120  100  98 -11 -3   744   698 1443  146 146
1O Memory Lane                91  91  113 114  102  97  -4  1   696   722 1418  126 120
 1 Power Play                152 147  153 150  125 137  -2  5  1017             212 147
 2 Escapades                 149 147  148 144  116 120   0  7   979             211  95
 3 Great Escape              134 138  132 137  123 129   7  4   940             128 150
 4 Blue Ribbon Coalition     118 124  144 143  134 132   7  0   923             118 163
 5 Brighter Side             129 133  140 143  116 119  -2  7   916             164 141
 6 Dutch Masters             129 126  131 124  120 122   0  6   886             156 121
 7 Collector's Choice        126 128  129 130  114 108   1  4   867             126 129
 8 Furniture City Chord Ca.  106 119  122 127   94  99   2  3   785             142 159
 9 Memory Lane               107  98  120 111   95  95  -3 -4   722              90 165
10 Sound Management           94  97  113 113   92  96   0 -2   699             129 144

@Score totals end subtotals include sound judges scores multiplied by 1.5

Power Play and Escapades will represent the Pioneer District at the
International Contest in July, 1991.  Blue Ribbon Coalition is the
alternate quartet.