Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
International Preliminary Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Battle Creek, Michigan, April 21-22, 1989

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Battle Creek, Michigan, April 22, 1989

The Panel Of Judges
  Chairman              Clement Cochran          Elma, NY                Seneca Land
  Sound                 John Bauer               Alpena, MI              Pioneer
                        Donald G. Flom           Scotia, NY              Northeastern
  Interpretation        Lance Heilmann           Stow, OH                Johnny Appleseed
                        Judd Orff                Stillwater, HN          Land O' Lakes
  Stage Presence        Hichael J. norgan        Rochester, NY           Seneca Land
                        Gary M. Stamm            Kenosha, Vf             Land O' Lakes
  Arrangement           Dr. Dennis n. Driscoll   College Station, TX     Southwestern
                        Tom A. Gentil            Cincinnati, OH          Johnny Appleseed
  Secretary             Charles E. Watson        Worthington, OH         Johnny appleseed
  Asst. Secretaries     Lawrence King            Farrington Hills, MI    Pioneer
                        Robert T. McDermott      Birmingham, MI          Pioneer
  Timekeepers           Richard B. Campbell      Battle Creek, MI        Pioneer
                        Richard J. Smith         Battle Creek, MI        Pioneer

FINALS                         SND     INT        SP         ARR    SUB  PREV TOTAL
                                               NSS 1   2           TOTAL PTS. SCORE SECONDS
1 The Ivy League             151 152  159 166  43 131 132    6   1  941   896 1837  169 174
2 Sounds of Time             155 146  160 156  41 119 120    3   6  906   896 1802  148 152
3 Blue Ribbon Coalition      133 141  150 155  39 128 123    4   6  879   824 1703  132 179
I Anything Goes              144 137  145 140  41 120 117    4  -2  846   819 1665  178 135
5 The Family Forum           142 133  154 144  34 120 117    0  -6  838   825 1663  186 143
6 Great Lakes Xpress         137 135  138 135  34 115 114    3   1  812   843 1655  127 124
7 Touch of Clash             119 116  133 139  38 117 ll8    3  -6  777   789 1566  182 187
8 The Sound Ambassadors      126 123  128 129  36 109 105    3   0  759   782 1541  102 156

1 Sounds of Time             146 148  157 162  38 119 118    3   5  896*            148 148
2 The Ivy League             145 147  144 138  53 135 129    Z   3  896*            194 163
3 Great Lakes Xpress         132 136  143 149  37 122 119    2   3  843              94 171
I The Family Forum           130 133  145 147  40 110 114    5   1  825             185 103
5 Blue Ribbon Coalition      121 126  144 147  41 121 121    1   2  824             134 159
6 Anything Goes              133 131  144 147  36 109 109    2   8  819             152 110
7 Touch of Clash             139 138  128 124  34 112 113   -2   3  789             149 184
8 The Sound Ambassadors      126 119  139 145  39 109 115   -9  -1  782             160 199
9 Harrony Road Show          128 130  129 132  36 103 104    2   2  766             139 153
10 Collector's Choice        116 121  116 123  36 111 111    0   2  736             126 139
11 Grand Prix                112 111  123 126  28  88  85    4   5  682             117 144
12 The Keynote Address       117 114  124 119  28  83  91    2   O  678             156 138
13 Executive Suite           101  97  124 128  29  96  95   -4  -2  664             163 155
14 Songs "R" Us              107  99  108 106  36 104  95    1   1  657             111 185
15 Your Favorite Quartet     114 108  103  99  29  91  89    7   1  641             142 140

*Ranking tie broken by scores in Sound - Article 28 of Official Contest Rules

The Ivy League and Sounds of Time will represent the Pioneer District in
the International Quartet Contest in Kansas City, Missouri in July, 1989.
Blue Ribbon Coalition is the alternate quartet.