Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
International Preliminary Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Warren, Michigan, April 26-27, 1985

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International Preliminary Quartet Contest
Pioneer District, S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc.
Warren, MI, April 26-27, 1985

THE PANEL OF JUDGES                                                        DISTRICT
Chairman...................Larry King, Farmington Hills, MI                  (PIO)
Sound......................David Carr, Mallorytown, ONT                      (ONT)
                           Frank Martin, Worthington, OH                     (JAD)
Interpretation ............Edward Berry, Jr., Worthington, OH                (JAD)
                           Dan Waselchuk, Appleton, WI                       (LOL)
Stage Presence ............Eugene H. Bowers, Overland Park, KS               (CSD)
                           Richard A. Collins, Warren, PA                    (SLD)
Arrangement................Russell A. Foris, Elmhurst, IL                    (ILL)
                           James A. Stably, Bloomington, IL                  (ILL)
Secretary..................John T. Gillespie, Kalamazoo, MI                  (PIO)
Assistant Secretary........Francis D. Jones, Lowell, MI                      (PIO)
Timekeepers................James Cougeon, Mt. Clemens, MI                    (PIO)
                           William C. Warner, Oak Park, MI                   (PIO)

FINALS                       SND      INT        SP         ARR     SUB  PREV  TOTAL    SINGING
                                             NSS 1  2              TOTAL PTS             TIME
 1.  Center Stage          161 167  156 170   40 130 139   2    9   974   961   1935    143 174
 2.  The Ritz              158 154  159 162   38 131 125   2    7   936   919   1855    123 150
 3.  Tri-County Connection 146 155  151 156   42 129 127   6    6   918   867   1785    135 192
 4.  The Ivy League        130 111  147 146   44 130 129   6    4   847   753   1600    152 158
 5.  The Brighter Side     131 129  130 129   31  99  93   6    6   754   769   1523    146 165
 6.  Collector's Choice    125 122  126 128   30  96  99  -2    7   731   731   1462    117 205
 7.  Touch of Clash        114 112  124 127   35 105 110 -24  -11   692   727   1419     87 170
 8.  Furn. City Chord Co.  121 112  121 119   28  97  99  14    4   715   688   1403    182 142

First three ranked quartets represent Pioneer District at the International Contest;  fourth
ranked is Alternate.

 1.  Center Stage          158 165  159 167   39 137 126   3    7                961    134 168
 2.  The Ritz              148 150  157 157   40 130 125   4    8                919    136 181
 3.  Tri-County Connection 128 130  146 152   42 125 132   6    6                867    122 153
 4.  The Brighter Side     126 117  138 134   33 103 102   6   10                769    148 130
 5.  The Ivy League        116 113  143 143   32 107  90   6    3                753    141 137
 6.  Collector's Choice    113 112  132 131   29 102 100   6    6                731    167 109
 7.  Touch of Clash        111 108  123 123   37 119 112  -5   -1                727    188 101
 8.  Furn. City Chord Co.  114 112  118 120   22 102  94  -2    8                688    131 172
 9.  The Golden Oldies     108 110  117 115   26  84  83   1   10                654    108 137
10.  American Tradition    103  96  118 111   27  97  80   1    2                635    155 124
11.  The Happy Grosse P'trs 94  90   86  91   22  79  81  -1    0                542    136 109

NSS - Non Singing Score