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International Preliminary Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 26, 1980

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S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc.
International Quartet Preliminary Contest - Pioneer District
Held at Ann Arbor, Michigan - April 26, 1980
The Panel of Judges                                                      District
Chairman................Larry King, Farmington Hills, MI                Pioneer
Sound...................Art Cinquino, Lodi, N. J.                       Mid-Atlantic
     ...................Darryl Flinn. North Canton, OH                  Johnny Appleseed
Interpretation..........Bill Fletcher. Medford Lakes. N, J,             Mid-Atlantic
              ..........Ken Jordahl, Algonquin, IL4                     Illinois
Stage Presence..........Don Harbin, IndianapoliS, IND                   Cardinal
              ..........Dr. Lee M. Walker, Rossville, GA                Dixie
Arrangement.............Bob Bame, Benton Harbor, MT                     Pioneer
           .............Don Gray, Cincinnati, OH                        Johnny Appleseed
Secretary...............John T. Gillespie, Kalamalzoo, MI               Pioneer
Asst. Secretary.........Fran Jones, Grand Rapids, MI                    Pioneer
Timers..................Gordon Limburg, Plymouth, MI                    Pioneer
      ..................Bob Winters, Essexville, MI                     Pioneer

Category:                 SOUND    INT.  STAGE    ARR.   SUB   PREV.          SINGING
Song No.:                1   2    1   2   PRES.  1   2  TOTAL  POINTS   TOTAL SECONDS
1. Sounds Around        146 144  149 140  304   +9  +9    895   810      1705  110 187
2. B & L Exchange       196 131  129 130  272   +1  +3    802   792      1594  149 132
3. Great Lakes Express  126 123  121 123  278   +6  +3    780   778      1558  118 126
4. Black Velvet         117 111  125 135  273   +9  +5    755   775      1550  125 129
5. Sat. Nite Feature    134 135  137 143  270   +7  -3    823   712      1535  121 158
6. Crosstown Exchange   111 105  120 124  295   +4  +5    764   744      1508   97 l62
7. Harmony Hounds       110 110  122 120  290   -5  +4    751   726      1477  142 144
8. Sound Ambassadors     98  98  114 116  229   -4  +5    656   690      1346  109 147
First two ranked quartets represent PIONEER at International;  3rd ranked is Alternate.

1. Sounds Around        133 131  142 132  271   -2  +3                    810  155 153
2. B & L Exchange       135 132  122 120  284    O  -1                    792  152 102
3. Great Lakes Express  120 115  138 127  268   +3  +7                    778   90 163
4. Black Velvet         116 114  126 121  282  +11  +5                    775  135 117
5. Crosstown Exchange   113 117  122 111  275   +1  +5                    744  100 157
6. Harmony Hounds       114 110  124 116  255   +6  +1                    726  160 115
7.Saturday Nite Feature 112 116  124 129  228   +7  -4                    712  120 171
8. Sound Ambassadors    102 104  113 120  251   +2  -2                    690  152 148
9· The Tunesters Union  101  95  119 l09  237   +3  +4                    668  129 l31
10.Village Ramblers     110 105  123 113  205   +2  +5                    663  144 120
11.A Positive Endeavor  106 109  110 111  205  +l3  +1                    655  126 129
12.Arbor Edition        107 102  103 109  190   +5  -1                    615  122 121
13.For-Wards of Harmony  98  93   97  98  159   -1  -2                    542  159 117
14.All Four a Song       95  89  100  95  148   +3  +2                    532  106 138