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International Preliminary Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Lansing, Michigan, April 22, 1978

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OFFICIAL SCORING SUMMARY, Pioneer District International Preliminary Quartet Contest
SPEBSQSA, Inc., Lansing, Michigan - April 22, 1978

Category:                SOUND     INT.   STAGE   ARR  SUB   PREV.         SINGING
Song No.:                1   2    1   2   PRES.  1   2 TOTAL POINTS TOTAL  SECONDS
1. Vagabonds            166 165  162 163  321   +5 +11  993   973   1966   129 147
2. Motor City Music Co. 140 139  135 136  309   +1  +9  869   906   1775   127 145
3. Foreign Policy       144 143  137 129  286   +4  +3  846   856   1702   108 145
4. Personal Expression  126 122  131 137  275   +9  +2  802   732   1534   131 136
5ˇ Crosstown Exchange   122 129  123 124  262    0  +2  762   712   1474   141 112
6. Cadence Counts       122 115  113 119  252   -4  +3  720   745   1465   151 123
7. A Moments Notice     131 131  101 100  264   +7  +1  735   617   1352   137 110
8. Village Ramblers     119 112  106 108  224   -2  -2  665   884   1349   130 145

First three ranked quartets represent PIONEER at International; 4th ranked is Alternate.

1. Vagabonds            166 162  163 157  309   +7  +9               973   105 102
2. Motor City Music Co. 154 156  144 141  298   +8  +5               906   139 169
3. Foreign Policy       147 151  131 133  280   +7  +7               856   144 151
4. Personal Expression  110 117  124 119  256   +5  +1               732   102 157
5ˇ Cadence Counts       127 126  109 115  256   +8  +4               745   146 150
6. Crosstown Exchange   123 123  115 111  239   -2  +3               712   112 158
7. Village Ramblers     118 112  119 113  220   +1  +1               684   151 123
8. A Moments Notice     115 117   95  96  188   +3  +3               617   124 134
9. Patch Chords         103  98  101  92  197   -4  +5               592   117 143
10.Union Street
    Arrangement         108 100   96  94  201   -7  -3               589   138 118
11.Gold Medal
    Research Team       111 104   95 101  168   +4  +1               584   129 124
12.Dominotes             85  89   87  91  151   +1  -5               499   146 l09
13.Quadrats              91  87   95  86  142   -8  +1               494   132 123

The Panel of Judges                                                  District
Chairman...............Don Lang, St, Joseph, MI                      Pioneer
Sound..................John Bauer, Kenosha, WIS                      Land O Lakes
     ˇ.......ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇJoe Allen Brule, Huntsburg, OH                Johnny Appleseed
Interpretation.........Gareth Evans, Toronto, ONT                    Ontario
.......................Glenn Van Tassell, Ann Arbor, MI              Pioneer
Stage Presence.........Don Harbin, Indianapolis, IND                 Cardinal
.......................George H. Nicholson, St, Catherines, ONT      Ontario
Arrangement............Russell Foris, Elmhurst, ILL                  Illinois
.......................Scott M. Werner, Woodbridge, VA               Mid Atlantic
Secretary. ............John T. Gillespie, Kalamazoo, MI              Pioneer
Ass't Secretary........Jack Wentworth, Reynoldsburg, OH              Johnny Appleseed
Timers............l....Herman Dykema, Kalamazoo,                     Pioneer
.......................Francis Jones, Greenville, MI                 Pioneer