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International Preliminary Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Lansing, Michigan, April 24, 1976

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OFFICIAL SCORING SUMMARY, Pioneer District International Preliminary Quartet Contest
SPEBSQSA, Inc., Lansing, Michigan, April 24, 1976

PANEL OF JUDGES                                                          DISTRICT
Chairman of Judges   Merle Clayton, Battle Crock, Michigan               Pioneer
Sound                Les Hesketh, Clifton, Virginia                      Mid-Atlantic
                     Don Lang, St. Joseph, Michigan                      Pioneer
Interpretation       Melvin Harris, Charlotte, North Carolina            Dixie
                     Dan Waselchuk, Green Bay, Wisconsin                 Land O'Lakes
Stage Presence       O.B. Falls, Jr., Jackson, Michigan                  Pioneer
                     Robert Mulligan, Birmingham, Michigan               Pioneer
Arrangement          Russ Foris, Elmhurst, Illinois                      Illinois
                     Thomas Gentil, Cincinnati, Ohio                     J. Appleseed
Secretary            Lawrence G. King, Livonia, Michigan                 Pioneer
Asst. Secty.         Carrol Mavis, Reynoldsburg, Ohio                    J. Appleseed
Timers               Larry Swan, Battle Creek, Michigan                  Pioneer
                     Roger Lewis, Battle Creek, Michigan                 Pioneer
Practice Panel Chair.Ed Gaikema, Grand Rapids, Michigan                  Pioneer

FINALS                                                            NET     SINGING
Category:         SND       INT    SP     ARR     SUB  PREV.     TOTAL    SECONDS
Song Numbers    1    2    1    2         1   2   TOTAL PTS.      SCORE      1  2
Rank - Quartet
1. Vagabonds   161  l69  150  154  305  +6  +3    948   939      1887      146 127
2. No,Hi-Lites 151  144  154  152  299  -3  +3    900   826      1726      169 117
3. Classmates  121  115  135  135  265  +8  +7    786   803      1589      154 174
4. Sound Spec. 114  126  125  141  250  -3   0    759   658      1417      112 139
5. Final Ed.   111   98  120  120  243  +4  +2    698   703      1401      157  92
6. Stateliners 105   97  120  117  200  +2  +2    643   754      1397      109 148
7. Four D Min. 106  101  126  128  227  -2  +5    691   679      1370      177 160
8. Patchchords 114  104  121  121  221   0  +3    684   572      1356      122 164


1. Vagabonds   155  156  155  157  311  +4  +1                     939     182  97
2. No.Hi-Lites 121  115  134  134  309  +4  +9                     826     136 128
3. Classmates  130  125  133  137  271  +6  +1                     803     168 123
4. Stateliners 129  235  122  124  245  +5  -6                     754     137 162
5. Final Ed.   116  102  129  127  227  -3  +5                     703     130 137
6. Four D. Min.100  105  119  117  229  +6  f3                     679     157 124
7. Patchchords 120  119  117  107  208  -3  +4                     672     123 136
8. Sound Spec. 110  115  107  109  211  +2  +4                     658     135 144

VAGABONDS, NORTHERN HI-LITES, AND CLASSMATES will represent Pioneer District at
International Convention in San Francisco.  SOUND SPECTRUM are alternates.