Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
International Preliminary Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Midland, Michigan, April 26, 1975

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PANEL OF JUDGES                                                           DISTRICT
Chairman of Judges       Merle A.. Clayton, Battle Creek, Michigan        Pioneer
Harmony Accuracy         John Aldridge, Normal, Illinois                  Illinois
                         Jim Miller, Louisville, Ky.                      Cardinal
Balance and Blend        A. M. Learned, Geneva, N.Y.                      Seneca Land
                         M. J. Margison, Londan, Ontario                  Ontario
Interpretation           Ken Warner, Newark, Ohio                         J. Appleseed
                         Gareth Evens, Ontario, Canada                    Ontatrio
Stage Presence           Joe Cutsinger, Louisville, Ky.                   Cardinal
                         Robert Mulligan, Highland Park, Mi.              Pioneer
Arrangement              Thomas A. Gentil, Cincinnati, Ohio               J. Appleseed
                         Robert Margison, London, Ontario                 Ontario
Secretary                R. H. Severance, Carmel, Indiana                 Cardinal
Asst. Secty.             John Gillespie, Kalanazoo, Michigan              Pioneer
Timers                   Lamott Bates (Quartet)                           Pioneer
                         Lawrence King (Quartet)                          Pioneer

Category:             HA       B&B      INT.   SP     ARR         TOTAL   SECONDS
Song Numbers         1   2    1   2    1   2         1   2                 1    2
Rank- Quartets
 1. Vagabonds       152 149  157 154  158 152  314   4   3         1243   137  172
 2. Four Fits       139 136  137 140  136 133  290   6   2         1119   185  129
 3. North. Hglts.   127 123  134 131  137 140  305   5   6         1108   109  147
 4. Classmates      127 121  113 114  119 124  248   9   7          982   149  119
 5. Stateliners     129 121  108 113  131 129  245   3   0          970   162  131
 6. Four D Minors   123 112  119 120  119 112  234   1   1          941   122  155
 7. Galaxies        118 119  110 113   94 111  221   2   6          894   141  133
 8. Used Parts      111 109   96  98  104 101  218  -2   5          840   145  130
 9. Patch Chords    109  96  104 111   99  96  230  -6   0          839   120  163
10. Metrochords     107 110  101 105  102 106  197   3   2          833   104  139
11. Square Root     115 100   92  88  104  94  188   1  -1          781   133  116
12. Inn. Bystdrs.    89  94   80  82   95  95  196   0   3          734   130  155
13. W.G.H.M. 4       98  72   91  92   89  87  194 -19  -3          708   146  117
14. Golden Oldies    84  82   79  78   86  84  208  -8  -4          689   141  140
15. Chordwoods       80  77   80  82   87  82  151   2  -2          639   155  136
16. Shore Four       86  86   96  93   76  86  117   0   2          638   145  121
17. Model A Flats    91  91   83  77   88  88  169  -2   4          625   114  119 *
18. Evil Companions  80  78   73  78   81  85  155  -1  -5          624   129  131
   *Time penalty 7 seconds @ 10 points per second.

FINALS                                                      PTS.   TOTAL
 1. Vagabonds       159 158  157 159  152 150  317   8   5  1243   2508   161   99
 2. Four Fits       139 137  137 136  133 128  297   5   0  1119   2231   164  145
 3. North. Hglts.   121 122  121 122  138 138  298   3   5  1108   2176   123  191
 4. Classmates      135 128  154 124  123 122  271   3   3   982   2015   145  172
 5. Stateliners     119 117  119 121  118 110  240   5   3   970   1922   146  142 #
 6. Four D Minors   119 114  114 121  116 122  271   3   1   941   1922   166  172
 7. Galaxies        129 127  120 121  119 117  245  -1   0   894   1871   134  128
   #  Tie broken by HA scores - total of Semi-Final and Final.

VAGABONDS and FOUR FITS will represent Pioneer District at International Convention
in Indianapolis.  NORTHERN HI-LITES are alternates.