Pioneer District Header Pioneer District Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Lansing, Michigan, Aprilr 28, 1973

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                       SOCIETY for the PRESERVATION and ENCOURAGEMENT
                       of BARBER SHOP QUARTET SINGING in AMERICA, Inc.

                                  Official Scoring Summary

                                    for  PIONEER DISTRICT
                            Lansing, Michigan      April 28, 1973

         Song No.  1   2    1   2    1   2           1   2                 Net   1   2
                  Harmony  Balance  Interp'  Stage  Arra'    Sub-  Prev.  Total  Time,
Rank   Quartet    Accu'cy  & Blend   tation  Pres.     ment  Total  Pts.  Score  Seconds

F I N A L  R O U N D
QUALIFIED for International Contest
 1 Vagabonds      138 140  151 154  151 154  288     0   8   1184  1133   2317   145 178
 2 Sharplifters   131 127  139 138  154 146  292     6  -2   1131  1117   2248   121 137

ALTERNATE for International Contest
 3 North'nhiLites 132 128  128 124  135 142  251     0   3   1043  1058   2101   185 130

 4 Ring Masters   111 113  123 124  104 102  237     4   4    922   920   1842  137 137
 5 Galaxies       116 103  ll5 114  120 118  239     3  -6    927   907   1834  129 130
 6 Latest Edition 106 110  114 116  114 125  235   -11   2    911   914   1825  170  92
 7 Phidavonics    104 100  110 111  103  98  230    -3   5    858   883   1741  136 142

S E M I - F I N A L  R O U N D
 1 Vagabonds      120 120  151 150  150 149  287     3   3                1133  174 115
 2 Sharplifters   131 130  138 137  141 143  301     1  -5                1117  131 142
 3 North'nHiLites 122 120  131 132  133 142  264     2   7                1053  135 124
 4 Ring Masters   117 119  122 122   95  95  244     3   3                920   119 205
 5 Latest Edition 111 106  114 116  111 121  230     3   2                914   129 179
 6 Galaxies       109 111  107 113  113 111  250     5  -9                907   125 119
 7 Phidavonics    111 105  114 114  108 113  231   -11  -2                883   140 134
 8 Four"D"Minors   33 105  102 110  113 125  220    -4   4                874   114 144
 9 Travel Chords  104  97  107 109   98 105  213    -2   0                831   160 140
10 Famil'rFeeling 100  90  104 109  112  95  208     5   3                820   124 150
11 Keepers of Key 106  97  104 105  104 105  199    -4   4                820   115 138
12 BackPorchMaj'y  92  88  103  99   37  94  224     4   2                793   116 145
13 Small Towners  104  97  102 100   99  80  207     1  -1                709   118 144
14 About Four      97  95   97  98   83  91  187    -4   2                756   122 148

JUDGES:       Chairman ... MERLE A. CLAYTON, Battle Creek, Mich.       PIO
            Vice-Chairman .. EDWIN J. GAIKEMA, Grand Rapids, Mich.     PIO

         Harmony Accuracy ..... Dr. Robert C. Craner, Syracuse, N. Y.  S L
                              and M. Thomas Woodall, Charleston, Ill.  ILL

         Balance and Blend .......  C. Lyle Cornack, Birmingham, Ala.  DIX
                                and Maynard J. Margison, London, Ont.  ONT

         Interpretation .............. Gareth P. Evans, Toronto, Ont.  ONT
                               and R. Philip Winstan, Dan Mills, Ont.  ONT

         Stage Presence .........  Raphael S. Glynn, Westfield, B. J.  M-A
                                  and Edward L. Weber, Cincinnati, O.  J A

         Arrangement ..............  Russell A. Foris, Elmhurst, Ill.  ILL
                         and Burton E. Szabo, Altamonte Springs, Fla.  SUN

            Secretary ....... J. H. Conpton, Jr., Westfield, N. J.      M-A
            Ass't Sec'y ... Charles P. Nasser, Michicgan City, Ind.     CAR
            Timekeepers ..... Eueene C. Gillem, Frankennuth, Mich.      PIO
                              and Garth D. Keesler, Lansing, Ilich.     PIO

* Home Districts: CAR, Cardinal; DIX, Dixie; ILL, Illinois; J A, Johnny Appleseed;
   M-A, Mid-Atlantic; ONT, Ontario; PIO, Pioneer; S L, Seneca Land; SUN, Sunshine,