Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Lansing, Michigan, October 16-17, 1998

OFFICIAL SCORING SUMMARY, Pioneer District Quartet Contest SPEBSQSA Inc.,
Lansing, Michigan, October 17, 1998
                                                                SUB PRV 
FINALS                  SONGS                      MUS PRE SNG TOT PTS.TOT.

 1 Upstage Sound        My Gal Sal                 149 147 143 868 854 1722
    Bent Harb, Kzo      Don'tTellMeSameThingsOver  144 144 141
 2 Resolution           Ro-Ro-Rollin' Along        134 148 131 817 848 1665
    GP, Macomb, Mtr Cty Little Girl                    131 145 128
 3 Gallery              I'llTakeYouHomeAgain Kath  142 142 141 843 802 1645
    Lansing             I'll Be Seeing You             139 139 140
 4 Grand Prix           IfYouWereOnlyGirlInWorld   136 140 144 832 798 1630
    Battle Creek        In Little Red School House 133 144 135
 5 Bayshore IV          Bright Was The Night       135 132 135 799 796 1595
    Traverse City       Too-Rah-Loo-Rah-Loo-Rah    135 129 133
 6 Chordiology          My Melancholy Baby         125 130 129 794 795 1589
    Huron Valley, Thrne Yes Sir, That's My Baby    141 133 136
 7 FourManFishin'
   TackleChoir          Aura Lee/Love Me Tender    128 130 134 799 769 1568
    Petoskey, Traverse  Walkin' My Baby Back Home  129 139 139
 8 Northern Edition     You Made Me Love You       133 131 137 778 700 1478
    Saginaw Bay         Peg O' My Heart            122 126 129


 1 Upstage Sound       Just A Song At Twilight     141 148 145 854   0  854
                       If I Had My Way             136 143 141
 2 Resolution          I Double Dare You           139 142 141 848   0  848
                       I Tried To Forget YouInVain 139 148 139
 3 Gallery             Strollin' Down Harmony Lane 130 143 130 802   0  802
                       I'dGiveWorldToBeInMyHomeTown133 142 124
 4 Grand Prix          Hello My Baby               138 137 128 798   0  798
                       FromTheFirstHello           135 137 123

 5 Bayshore IV         Love/Eyes Medley            139 138 123 796   0  796
                       May I Never Love Again      135 142 119
 6 Chordiology         Lulu's Back In Town         139 125 133 795   0  795
                       Alabamy Bound               136 135 127
 7 FourManFishin'
   Tackle Choir        My Wild Irish Rose          123 132 132 769   0  769
                       Oh, You Beautiful Doll      121 135 126
 8 Northern Edition    I Love You Truly            116 125 111 700   0  700
                       Bright Was The Night        112 121 115

 Four Man Fishin' Tackle Choir is the 
 1998 Pioneer District Fall Novice Quartet Champion.

OFFICIAL SCORING SUMMARY, Pioneer District Quartet Contest
SPEBSQSA, Inc., Lansing, Michigan, October 16, 1998

SEMI-FINALS              SONGS                          MUS PRE SNG  TOTAL

 9 Chord Order           Piano Roll Blues               111 122 112   681
    Alpena               Too-Rah-Loo-Rah-Loo-Rah        111 118 107
10 Sump'N'Dfrnt          Beer Barrel Polka              113 116 109   661
    Kalamazoo            Was Is Los Mit Der Musik       110 109 104
11 Fortune Smiles        As Time Goes By                 97 120  97   603
    Det-Oak, Thorne      Who's Sorry Now                 90 111  88
12 Under New Management  I Want A Girl                   97  96  86   552
    Kalamazoo            Bright Was The Night            95  92  86
13 Protege               Rain                            96 111  84   535
    Grosse Pte, Macomb   Mistakes                        78  98  68
14 One Brick Short       Rush Hour On 94 Parody          81  94  90   506
    Holl,Kzo,Macomb      I'mForeverBlowingBubblesParody  81  75  85

       F. Rice-LOL     J. Giallombardo-ILL M. Schlinkert-DIX C. Lower-MAD
       D. Kannberg-SUN N. Papageorge-FWD   B. Walker-INT     R. Young-FWD

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