Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Battle Creek, Michigan - October 19, 1991

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Battle Creek, Michigan, October 19, 1991

The Panel Of Judges
  Chairman                  Harold Ebel             Faribault, MN          Land O' Lakes
  Sound                     Paul H. Grimm           Berwick, NS, CAW       Northeastern
                            David H. Patterson      Clinton, MA            Northeastern
  Interpretation            Judd Orff               Stillwater, MN         Land O' Lakes
                            Meyer Press             Sharon, MA             Northeastern
  Stage Presence            William L. Hafley       Warrensville, NC       Dixie
                            Dale Teorey             Forest Lake, MN        Land O' Lakes
  Arrangement               Dave Briner             Anahelm Hills, CA      Far Western
                            Tom A. Gentil           Cincinnati, OH         Johnny Appleseed
  Secretary                 T. M. "Mike" Hines      Cedar Rapids, IA       Central States
  Assistant Secretary       Bob McDermott           Birmingham, MI         Pioneer
  Timekeepers               Richard Campbell        Battle Creek, MI       Pioneer
                            Richard Smith           Battle Creek, MI       Pioneer
  Practice Panel Chm        John W. Bauer           Alpena, MI             Pioneer

                               SND          INT      S P       ARR    SUB  PREV TOTAL
 FINALS                       1   2  ADJ   1   2    1   2     1   2  TOTAL PTS. SCORE SECONDS
 1 Stay Tuned                160 160 160  161 160  165 165    7   5  1143  1135 2278  161 100
 2 Opening Night             158 157 158  163 161  161 165    2   4  1129  1093 2222  140 103
 3 Gangbusters               159 152 156  155 153  164 162    4   0  1105   997 2102  125 159
 4 The Rhythm Factory        143 142 143  143 145  142 147    6   8  1019  1019 2038  150 127
 5 Blue Ribbon Coalition     149 143 146  155 150  140 138    4   4  1029  1007 2036  117 191
 6 Brighter Side             150 154 152  145 147  142 144    3   8  1045   948 1993  147 165
 7 Great Escape              139 134 137  146 147  153 153    7   2  1018   906 1924  135 148
 8 Dutch Masters             138 131 135  145 142  144 138    2 -33   942   883 1825  172 153

 1 Gangbusters               140 140 140  148 145  142 147   -9   4   997             174 151
 2 Opening Night             148 147 148  165 156  153 164    6   6  1093             140 114
 3 Great Escape              120 120 120  137 135  130 135    5   4   906             121 149
 4 Stay Tune'd               162 158 160  163 161  158 158    1   8  1135             138 138
 5 Dutch Masters             127 128 128  123 123  124 127    4  -1   883             118 160
 6 Blue Ribbon Coalition     138 136 137  144 144  155 151    0   2  1007             164 164
 7 Brighter Side             128 136 132  126 141  133 141    8   3   948             101 194
 8 The Rhythm Factory        137 138 138  144 150  144 153    8   7  1019             121 166
 9 Collector's Choice        121 119 120  121 114  122 125    4  -1   845             152  87
10 Furniture City Chord Co.  116 117 117  115 123  115 117    8   5   833             110 138
11 Grand Prix                114 114 114  105 118  107 109   -2   6   785             126 162
12 Musicians Coalition       102 103 103  103 100  106 110    1   2   730             121 111
13 The Lucky Chances         104 107 106  101 106   99 102   -1   3   714a            100 108
14 Suitable Union             98 102 100  101 103  102 100   -1  -3   705             135 166
15 Four Ever Yours            86  94  90   98 103  111 117   -1  -1   697             110 194

a - Tine penalty 16 points (2 seconds) - Article 18 of Official Contest Rules

Stay Tuned is the Pioneer District Champion.
Musicians Coalition is the Novice Champion.