Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Battle Creek, Michigan - October 16-17, 1987

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Battle Creek, Michigan, October 16-17, 1987

  CHAIRMAN               Robert J. Margison       London, Ontario           Ontario
  SOUND                  James A. De Busman       Kenosha, Wisconsin        Land O' Lakes
                         Ronald P. Phillips       Mason City, Iowa          Central States
  INTERPRETATION         Robert Squires           Lockport, Illinois        Illinois
                         Dan Waselchuk            Appleton, Wisconsin       Land O' Lakes
  STAGE PRESENCE         James (Jimmy) Lyons      Theodore, Alabama         Dixie
                         Robert B. Mulligan       Garden City, Michigan     Pioneer
  ARRANGEMENT            Dr. Denis Conrady        Denton, Texas             Southwestern
  SECRETARY              John T. Gillespie        Kalamatoo, Michigan       Pioneer
  ASST. SECRETARIES      John Bauer               Alpena, Michigan          Pioneer
                         Charles P. Nasser        Michigan City, Indiana    Cardinal
  TIMEKEEPERS            D. William FitzGerald    Kenosha, Wisconsin        Land O' Lakes
                         William C. Warner        Oak Park, Michigan        Pioneer
  PRACTICE PANEL CHM     Kenneth W. Buckner       Kenosha, Wisconsin        Land O' Lakes

FINALS                         SND      INT       SP         ARR    SUB  PREV TOTAL
                                               NSS 1   2           TOTAL PTS. SCORE  SECONDS
 1 Hi-Tech                   150 146  160 164  36 108 107   4   6   881   852 1733   151 140
 2 Blue Ribbon Coalition     140 145  154 155  40 108 111  -4   4   853   829 1682   123 123
 3 The Family Forum          140 149  157 151  38 108 113   4   2   862   808 1670   166 135
 4 Harmony Rendezvous        129 130  134 141  28  94 103   4   4   767   798 1565   185 147
 5 Anything Goes             126 129  138 135  32  98  93   8   2   761   746 1507   134 207
 6 Collector's Choice        121 124  122 137  35  98 104   4   8   753   744 1497   108 156
 7 "Harmony Road Show"       128 127  123 118  29  89  96   2   6   718   732 1450   122 176
 8 R & R                     122 117  133 125  30  91  86   2 -18   688   735 1423   128 108

 1 Hi-Tech                   146 143  157 158  31 101 100   8   8   852     0  852   150 144
 2 Blue Ribbon Coalition     145 143  150 149  31 106 105  -2   2   829     0  829   139 132
 3 The Family Forum          145 145  148 149  25  97  91   4   4   808     0  808   159 173
 4 Harmony Rendezvous        142 135  143 137  27 104 104   2   4   798     0  798   145 108
 5 Anything Goes             134 131  139 l29  29  99  93  -4  -4   746     0  746   135 179
 6 Collector's Choice        146 132  l25 l2l  27  97  96  -2   2   744     0  744    92 l28
 7 R & R                     l21 123  l28 123  28 100 100   6   6   735     0  735   149 154
 8 "Harmony Road Show"       132 l25  137 137  22  84  87   4   4   732     0  732   150 140
 9 Your Favorite Quartet     123 125  129 139  18  84  76  -2   2   694              143 165
10 The Four Part Formula     127 127  109 117  17  81  76   0   4   658              102 155
11 The Key Note Address      130 135  100  98  15  76  77   8   6   645              146 133
l2 The Very Idea!            120 126  112 109  22  74  78   2   0   643              134 132
13 The Furniture City Ch. Co 122 120  110 108  23  83  83  -4  -6   639              147 127
14 Mycro-tet                 117 112  110 110  24  76  71  -2   2   620              131 112
15 The Four-Tune Hunters     111 106  100  87  22  85  80   2   2   595              203 160
16 Song Spinners             109 104   91  91  21  70  68   4  -4   554              168 142
17 The Accidental Blend      101  93  105  90  19  62  60   2  -4   528              135 138

Hi-Tech is the Pioneer District Quartet Champion.
Anything Goes is the Pioneer District Junior Ouartet Champion.
"Harmony Road Show" is the Pioneer District Novice Quartet Champion.