Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Flint, Michigan - October 17-18, 1986

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Flint, Michigan, October 17-18, 1986

  CHAIRMAN                 Larry King             Farmington Hills, MI     Pioneer
  SOUND                    Joe Masotti            Deerfield IL             Illinois
                           Bill Rashleigh         Omaha, NE                Central States
  INTERPRETATION           Tom Schlinkert         Lilburn, GA              Dixie
                           Wilbur Sparks          Arlington, VA            Mid-Atlantic
  STAGE PRESENCE           Jerome J. Andersen     Kingston, NY             Northeastern
                           William A. Dorow       Franklin, WI             Land O' Lakes
  ARRANGEMENT              Lloyd B. Steinkamp     Phoenix, AZ              Far Western
                           David Wright           St. Louis, MO            Central States
  SECRETARY                John T. Gillespie      Kalamazoo, MI            Pioneer
  TIMEKEEPERS              D. William FitzGerald  Kenosha, WI              Land O' Lakes
                           William C. Warner      Oak Park, HI             Pioneer

                                SND      INT        SP        ARR    SUB   PREV TOTAL  SECONDS
 FINALS                                         NSS 1   2           TOTAL  PTS. SCORE   1   2
 1 Touch of Clash!            119 105  138 140  38 118 117  -1  -8  766    833   1599  118 117
 2 The Family Forum           134 125  143 140  39 109 109  -3   4  800    780   1580  135 162
 3 Harmony Rendezvous         123 130  145 142  37 122 123  -3   0  819    746   1565  166 170
 4 Blue Ribbon Coalition      129 127  144 144  34 113 107  -1   3  800    754   1554  121 171
 5 The Sound Ambassadors      119 114  128 127  34 104 108  -6   9  737    709   1446  146 140
 6 Chordinary Guys            111 110  126 125  31  99  89  -5  -2  684    673   1357  136 112
 7 The Four Part Formula      116 117  126 132  27  93  93  -1   5  708    639   1347  162 144
 8 Yesterday Once More        108 110  114 120  33  87  97  -2  -8  659    662   1321  148 192

 1 Touch of Clash!            129 126  149 144  36 128 117   0   4  833           833  142 134
 2 The Family Forum           135 138  128 133  39 107  94   2   4  780           780  165 182
 3 Blue Ribbon Coalition      123 124  121 136  35 104  99   4   8  754           754  176 122
 4 Harmony Rendezvous         121 117  139 137  37  91 101  -3   6  746           746  190 111
 5 The Sound Ambassadors      107 102  126 125  34 104  99   6   6  709           709  174 175
 6 Chordinary Guys            119 117  123 122  27  84  82   2  -3  673           673  118 169
 7 Yesterday Once More        106 100  118 119  36  95  93  -5   0  662           662  166 143
 8 The Four Part Formula      106 111  113 115  27  80  82  -1   6  639           639  125 143
 9 Crosstowners               101  98  104 102  22  82  70   3   3  585           585  134 181
10 The Lumbertown Chordsmen    82  76   89  86  28  70  62   2   3  498           498  112 130
11 The Four Shoremen           77  70   83  80  24  61  56 -12  -8  431           431  169 126

Touch of Clash! is the Pioneer District Quartet Champion.
Blue Ribbon Coalition is the Pioneer District Junior Quartet Champion.
Chordinary Guys is the Pioneer District Novice Quartet Champion.