Pioneer District Header Pioneer District Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 8, 1977

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OFFICIAL SCORING SUMMARY                                                       ~
Held at Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 8, 1977

THE PANEL OF JUDGES                                                DISTRICT
Chairman of Judges........Don Lang, St. Joseph, Michigan           Pioneer
Sound.....................Don Barnick, St. Joseph, Michigan        Illinois
                          Darryl Flinn, Canton, Ohio               Johnny Appleseed
Interpretation............Gary Bolles, Providence, Rhode Island    Northeastern
                          Glenn VanTassell, Ann Arbor, Michigan    Pioneer
Stage Presence..........,.Don Harbin, indianapolis, Indiana        Cardinal
                          Bob Mulligan, Highland Park, Michigan    Pioneer
Artangement...............Dave Briner. Playa Del Ray, California   Far Western
                          Bob Brock, Anaheim, California           Far Western
Secretary.................Chuck Nasser, Michigan City, Indiana     Cardinal
Assistant Secretary.......John T. Gillesple, Kalamatoo, Michigan   Pioneer
Timers....................Herm Dykema, Kalamazoo, Michigan         Pioneer
                          Fran Jones, Grand Rapids, Michigan       Pioneer

                           DISTRICT QUARTET CONTEST FINALS
                                            STAGE           PREV.         SINGING
Category:                SOUND      INT.    PRES.    ARR.  POINTS  TOTAL  SECONDS
Song Numbers:            1   Z     1   2            1   2                  1   2
Rank - Quartet
1. Motor City Music Co  132 129   129 115    283    4   6   814    1612   129 144
2. Great Lakes Express  136 127   135 120    281    3   2   798    1562    93 142 a
3. Personal Expression  118 113   120 121    235    4   3   719    1439   134 133
4. Sound Expression     128 127   115 105    272    5   2   672    1426   120 183
5. Dutch Masters        126 121   113  98    232    4   2   649    1345   105 135
6. Patch Chords         107 108   110 108    222    2   2   633    1292   121 126
7. Harmony Hounds       100  87    98  84    210    0  -3   704    1251   162 139
8. Village Ramblers     104 107    97  98    195    0   4   617    1222   138 145

1. Motor City Music Co. 132 128   137 124    287    4   2            814   140 134
2. Great Lakes Express  137 145   129 116    268    2   1            798   117 136
3. Personal Expression  112 109   131 117    243    3   4            719   122 154
4. Harmony Hounds       103 106   106 112    274    2   1            704   137 135
5. Sound Expression     118 105   108 104    235    0   2            672   144 143
6. Dutch Masters        130 117    93  92    213    2   2            649   136 117
7. Patch Chords         114 108   111 100    220    1   3            633   107 130 b
8. Village Ramblers     108 101   103  84    218    2   1            617   123 150
9. Major Event
10. Cadence Counts       99  97    90  92    224    1   0            603    95 179
11. Subtle Impression   100  93    95 100    208    0   1            597   138 131
12. Sound Ambassadors    96  92   105  89    215   -2   1            596   166 120
13. Gold Medal
      Research Team     114 111   101  86    179    1   3            595   144 146
14. A Moments Notice     98  94    99  85    210   -1   1            586   145 115
15. Those Other Guys     90  80    96  85    200    1   0            552   108 134
16. Brightline Express   93  89    79  84    197   -4  -2            536   113 133
17. Union St. Arrangemt. 91  86    76  76    195    0   0            524   115 129
18. First & Final Atmpt  88  82    87  73    219    2  -1            5O9   137  98 c

The Motor City Music Co. are the new District Quartet Champions.
The Major Event Quartet are the new District Novice Quartet Champions.
(a) Time penalty of 49 points (5 points @ 8 points per second)
(b) Time penalty of 24 points (3 points @ 8 points per second)
(c) Time Penalty of 49 points (5 seconds @ 8 points per second)