Pioneer District Header Pioneer District Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Dearborn, Michigan, October 9, 1976

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The Panel of Judaes                                                     District

Chairman of Judges..............Joseph Cutsinger - Louisville, Ny.      Cardinal
Sound...........................James Richards - St. Paul, Minn.        Land O'Lakes
     ...........................Robert Moorehead - Milford, Ohio        Johnny Appleseed
Interpretation..................Robert Craig - Schaumburg, Ill.         Illinois
              ..................Melvin Harris - Charlotte, N.C.         Dixie
Stage Presence..................John Sommer - Grove City, Ohio          Johnny Appleseed
              ..................Denis St. Denis - Mt. Prospect, Ill.    Illinois
Arrangement.....................Warren Haeger - LaGrange Park, Ill.     Illinois
           .....................P. Nick Lawrence - Austin, Texas        Southwestern
Secretary.......................Lawrence King - Livonia, Mich.          Pioneer
Asst. Secretary.................Jack Wentworth - Reynoldsburg, Ohio     Johnny Appleseed
Timers··························James Fegan - Traverse City, Mich.      Pioneer
      ··························Pat Yacques - Algonec, Mich.            Pioneer
Practice Panel Chairman.........Donald Lang - St. Joseph, EILch.        Pioneer

                                                              SUB  PREV.  NET   SINGING
Category:                        SOUND    INT    SP    ARR   TOTAL PTS    TOTAL SECONDS
Song Number                     1   2    1   2        1   2                     1   2

1 Foreign Policy               150 148  153 141 280 +ll  +4   887  841   1728  182 114
2 Great Lakes Express          146 137  131 131 275  +2  -2   820  758   1578  105 136
3 Sound Spectrum               133 134  119 126 295   0  +3   810  758   1568  114 163
4 Patch Chords                 126 118  133 125 272  +5  +4   783  716   1499  127 150
5 Rolling Tones                104 103  115 114 239  -1  +4   678  728   1406  134 138
6 Country Estate               117 111  107 108 250   0  +1   694  658   1352  101 149
7 Fringe Benefit               103 103  Ilo 127 220  +3  -3   663  643   1306  151 193
8 Harmony Hounds                90  91  118 112 236  +5  +5   657  611   1268  142 145


 1 Foreign Policy              146 144  137 128 265  +14 +7   841              135 107
 2 Sound Spectrum              137 125  119 108 271   -1 -1   758 A            126 153
 3 Great Lakes Express         117 121  131 127 252   +6 +4   758              133 146
 4 Rolling Tones               113 113  119 11? 255   +5 +6   728              144 121
 5 Patch Chords                125 124  126 117 221   -3 +6   716              107 167
 6 Country Estate               98 104  115 115 217   +5 +4   658              110 157
 7 Fringe Benefit              102  97  134 121 184   +1 +4   643              101 158
 8 Harmony Hounds               95  95   93  96 211   +6 +5   611              168 125
 9 Cereal City Chord Comm.      95  80  109 110 203   +5 +6   608              160 164
l0 Personal Expression         117 120  132 127 190   +6 +5   593               99 128 a
11 Warren G. Harding Hem. 4     83  79   94  93 248   -7  0   590              144 136
12 Golden Oldies                90  87   87  99 181   -1  0   543              126 140
13 Village Ramblers             92  96   85  93 154   +6 +6   532              161 149
14 Chordwoods                   85  78   94  93 166   +3 +4   523              112 134
15 Ye Olde Lamplyters           85  88   90  83 149   +1 +1   503              147 107
16 Subtle Impressions           80  77   92  85 152   -2 -4   480              121 125
17 Rapidaires                   57  58   74  73 145   -1 +2   408              191 191

A  Tie broken per Article 25 of Quartet Contest Rules.
a  Time penalty: 104 points (13 seconds at 8 points per second)
The Novice Champion - Country Estate
District Champion - Foreign Policy