Pioneer District Header Pioneer District Quartet Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Grand Rapids, Michigan, October 11, 1975

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Held at Grand Rapids, Michigan - October 11, 1975

The Panel of Judges                                                      District
Chairman of Judges..........Merle Clayton - Battle Creek, Michigan       Pioneer
Vice Chairman of Judges.....Edwin Gaikema - Grand Rapids, Michigan       Pioreer
Secretary of Judges.........Edmund Duplaga - Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio        Johnny Appleseed
Sound.......................James Beutel - St. Charles, Illinois         Illinois
     .......................Don Lane - St. Joseph, Michigan              Pioneer
Intrepretation..............Steve Hanrahan - Huntington, West Virginia   Johnny Appleseed
              ..............Dan Wsselchuk - Green Bay, Wisconsin         Land O'Lakes
Stage Presence..............0. B. Falls, Jr. - Jackson, Michigan         Pioneer
              ..............John Sommer - Grove City, Ohio               Johnny Appleseed
Arrangement.................Jack Baird - Oak Lawn, Illinois              Illinois
           ·················Russell Foris - Elmhurst, Illinois           Illinois
Timers......................Lamott Bates - Lansing, Michigan             Pioneer
      ····················..Emerson Sperling - Grand Rapids, Michigan    Pioneer

                                                                SUB   PREV. NET     SINGING
Category:                        SOUND     INT    SP    ARR    TOTAL  PTS   TOTAL   SECONDS
Song Number:                     1   2    1   2         1   2                        1   2
1 Classmates                    120 122  137 133  301  +9  +7   829    814  1643    149 182
2 Sound Spectrum                115 110  122 120  232  -7   0   692    699  1391)   129 125
3 Stateliners                   109 106  124 131  262  +1  +3   736    655  1391)   119 144
4 Rolling Tones                 121 119  119 123  198   0  -1   679    699  1378    167 124
5 Final Edition                 109 108  116 112  274   0  -1   718    648  1366    194 165
6 Sound Objective               104  92  123 107  221   0  +3   650    647  1297    154 130
7 Patch Chords                   95  89  121 120  213  -2  +3   639    650  1289    127 157

) Tie Broken by sound category per offical Quartet Contest Rules.

1 Clsssmates                    127 124  125 122  294 +18  +4                 814   191 117
2 Sound Spectrum                111 111  127 120  230  -1  +1                 699   124 122
3 Rolling Tones                 101 108  121 107  250  +1  +4                 699   151 102
4 Stateliners                   101 108   99 108  236  -2  +5                 655   105 158
5 Patch Chords                  100  99  127 130  193  -1  +2                 650   138 160
6 Final Edition                 100  90   98  94  259  +5  +2                 648   125 124
7 Sound Objective                91  91  106 123  231  +5   0                 647   110 151
8 Harmony Helmsmen              108 114   96 101  179  +3 +10                 611   151 134
9 Metrochords                   114 112   87  93  179  -1  +9                 593   129 122
10 Warren G. Harding
    Memorial Four                78  82   83  81  281  -7 -10                 588   137 150
11 Innocent Bystanders           90  88   96  92  155   0  +2                 523   129 118
12 Flatland Four                 92  87   84  82  158  +4  -1                 506   145 134
13 Fringe Benefit                87  84  108  86  135  -1  -5                 486*  123 116
14 Oakland Counts                79  74   91  93  146  +2  -1                 484   135 147
l5 With One A-Chord              82  85   76  79  746  +1  +2                 471   123 125
16 Ransom Notes                  75  69   81  86  152  -4 -19                 408** 143  93
17 Evil Companions               74  72   75  79  144  +4  -1                 287#   93 127

     * Time Penalty: 8 points (1 seconds at 8 points per second)
    ** Time Penalty: 32 points (4 seconds at 8 points per second)
     # Time Penalty: 160 points (20 seconds at 8 points per second)