SPEBSQSA Summary of
Int. Quarter-Finals Quartet Scores
July 1998

HARMONET SCORING SUMMARY, International Quartet Contest
SPEBSQSA, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia, July 2, 1998

QUARTER-FINALS     SONGS                              MUS PRE SNG TOTAL

21 The Bay Rum     I'll See You In My Dreams          403 401 398 2394
   Runners         I'm Beginning To See The Light     398 406 388 79.8%

22 Riptide         Cabin On The Hilltop               374 399 411 2387
                   Keep Eyes On The Girlie You Love   389 404 410 79.6%

23 BuckThirty-Nine Crazy Words, Crazy Tune            392 411 395 2384
                   A Shanty In Old Shanty Town        389 406 391 79.5%

24 Freefall        That's A Plenty                    397 410 396 2381
                   DoYouKnowWhatMeansToMissNewOrleans 375 410 393 79.4%

25 Countdown       So Long Sally                      381 400 415 2369
                   Old St. Louis                      371 396 406 79.0%

26 Vintage Blend   Come And Listen To Dixieland       394 406 403 2368
                   Old County Down                    380 393 392 78.9%

27 Counterpoint    London By Night                    386 396 408 2363
                   Alabama Jazzbo Band                382 391 400 78.8%

28 Hijinx          Each Time I Fall In Love           385 383 408 2356
                   Let's Get Away From It All         380 393 407 78.5%

29 Road Show       Caroline, I'm Coming Back To You   383 403 398 2353
                   My Buddy                           380 398 391 78.4%

30 Late Night      You're Good Enough For Now         374 398 385 2352
   Barbershop      Alexander's Band Meter Parody      390 417 388 78.4%

31 Jambalaya       WhenISeeAllLovingTheyWasteOnBabies 378 392 380 2313
                   Loving The Girls Medley            386 406 371 77.1

32 Heartland Vocal I Found My Sweetheart Sally        378 388 387 2305
   Band            That's Life                        375 384 393 76.8%

33 Free Trade      All Dressed Up With A Broken Heart 373 392 390 2301
   Agreement       Alabama Jazz Boat Band             371 387 388 76.7%

34 The Arrangement Danny Boy                          375 385 386 2295
                   You'reNobody Til SomebodyLoves You 372 390 387 76.5%

35 By Design       Birth Of The Blues                 364 383 389 2293
                   One Rose That's Left In My Heart   373 385 399 76.4%

35 Sound Legacy    Zing! Went The Strings Of My Heart 358 396 389 2293
                   The Darktown Strutters' Ball       371 395 384 76.4%

37 Casino          At The Mississippi Cabaret         363 398 386 2289
                   So Long Story                      368 387 387 76.3%

37 High Cotton     Just A Cottage Small               384 395 380 2289
                   All Aboard For Dixieland           365 392 373 76.3%

39 Done Deal       Jazz Baby                          372 387 385 2279
                   I Didn't Want To Fall              365 389 381 76.0%

39 K'MOTION        Wrestling Parody Medley            373 406 373 2279
                   Don't Know When to Quit Parody     359 388 380 76.0%

41 Studio One      OldFashionedGirl/SweetNLovelyMedly 374 383 380 2271
                   Memphis Blues                      373 385 376 75.7%

42 Jackpot!        Crybaby/So Long Dearie             374 369 389 2266
                   Pal Of My Cradle Days              376 370 388 75.5%

43 12th Street Rag That Barbershop Rag                375 378 379 2262
                   Last Night Was The End OfThe World 370 381 379 75.4%

44 ONYX            Don't Waste Your Tears Over Me     380 381 379 2254
                   Dapper Dan                         366 378 370 75.1%

45 Doc Holiday     We Kinda Miss The Good Old Songs   365 387 384 2233
                   When I Leave The World Behind      346 380 371 74.4%

46 FIREPOWER!      A Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder       365 378 366 2227
                   The Darktown Strutters' Ball       367 385 366 74.2%

47 The Management  Dixieland/Dixie Band Medley        367 376 369 2213
                   Get Out And Get Under The Moon     363 375 363 73.8%

48 Cambridge Blues I Got Rhythm                       365 367 366 2193
                   Each Time I Fall In Love           356 367 372 73.1%

49 New York News   Wedding Bells Breaking Old Gang    351 358 362 2153
                   Love Me, And The World Is Mine     354 362 366 71.8%

H. Lathom-SUN   R. Campbell-FWD     J. Massey-SWD      R. Black-FWD
D. Belote-DIX   T. Gentry-JAD       T. Schlinkert-DIX  J. DeBusman-LOL D.
Chambers-ILL R. Hopkins-SLD      S. Schneider-SWD   H. Hammer-FWD
                S. Jamison-RMD      R. Stewart-EVG     M. Holdeman-SWD S.
                Kitzmiller-CAR   R. Treptow-LOL     B. Moorehead-JAD

The scores listed above have been hand-entered by Steve Tremper, who
assumes all responsibility for typo's and other unintentional errors. When
in doubt, please refer to the OFFICIAL published score sheets from each
District contest for actual scores.

Please contact Steve at Steve_Tremper@Tivoli.com with any corrections.

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