![]() | 1998 Spring Convention News Briefs as reported by Jim Styer |
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Pioneer District :
(from the board meeting, House of Delegates and other venues)
For more details, ask your chapter's delegate to the House of Delegates or a district officer.
PioNet and the district's Web site, both about a year old, were lauded by the board and others for their contributions to electronic communications in the district.
Concern was expressed by some delegates at the House of Delegates meeting that communications must be improved between board members and chapters and quartets. Some members have the perception that board members are not responding quickly enough or well enough to members' concerns. More use of the PioNet e-mail listserv was suggested. Also, the board will hold an extra meeting during Harmony Roundup weekend, May 15-17 at MSU, to discuss these and other concerns raised this spring.
Chapter presidents' meetings will be resumed on Saturday mornings during conventions held the next three years in Battle Creek, said Battle Creek Chapter President Dick Campbell. Roger Lewis, convention chairman, said the meetings could begin at this fall's convention in Lansing; district President Dave Cole said he would attend that meeting this fall to hear presidents' ideas and concerns.
The district, effective immediately, is covering the cost for each quartet and chorus for videotapes of their competition performances.
The board approved renaming the Boyne City Chapter as the Petoskey Chapter, with the chorus to be called the Gaslight Chorus. Society approval is anticipated. The Cadillac Chapter has merged into the Traverse City Chapter.
Host chapters for conventions in Battle Creek will be:
Spring 1999 Battle Creek Fall 1999 ------------- Spring 2000 ------------ Fall 2000 Traverse City Spring 2001 Lansing Fall 2001 -------------Chapters are encouraged to bid for the remaining three slots; two smaller chapters can combine as hosts for a convention.
The board is seeking candidates for board positions, which will be filled by
board election next fall. Potential candidates may express interest through
their chapter secretaries or to President Dave Cole
Chuck Watson, Society VP:
Patrick Tucker-Kelley, Society World Harmony Liaison, reported the
possibility of new Society affiliates in Uganda (Africa), Japan and Russia.
Russia will sponsor a barbershop harmony festival July 17-27, 1999, in
Moscow with participants from Russia, Europe and North America. Involvement
will include Society, Sweet Adeline and Harmony International groups.
Alexander Demchenko, deputy minister of culture, is encouraging affiliation;
the overseer of 600 military bands is encouraging formation of barbershop
chapters within the military.
Two additions to the spring convention could become regular events:
Kindred Spirits -- the a cappella group comprised of Ken, Vicki and Kendra
Gibson, Marv Moran and his wife, and Dave Drouillard -- entertained Saturday
evening in the lobby and in hospitality rooms at the headquarters hotel.
Several Holt High School singers accepted their invitation to visit the
hotel that evening and hear Pioneer quartets perform. (Tell us more, Kenny!)
Jamie Carey, director of the Lansing chorus and member of Firepower!
quartet, was caught singing in the lobby with a youthful female trio. (Tell
us more, Jamie!)
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