Pioneer District Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Lansing, Michigan, April 24, 1993

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PIONEER DISTRICT, S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc., Lansing, Michigan, April 24, 1993

                             ---- SONG 1 ---  ---- SONG 2 --- SND   TOTAL
                             SND INT S P ARR  SND INT S P ARR ADJ   SCORE SECONDS MEN
 1 Holland                   146 132 142   6  148 147 150   6 147   1024  143 147  38
   Windmill Chorus
 2 Grosse Pointe             140 151 140  -2  140 131 147 -17 140    970  141 146  52
   Lakeshore Chorus
 3 Detroit-Oakland           127 137 141   1  123 126 136   1 125    917  130 138  41
   Gentlemen Songsters
 4 Wayne                     126 122 117   4  121 125 128   4 124    871  169 103  38
   Renaissance Chorus
 5 Macomb County             122 126 118  -4  120 130 127   2 121    862  127 114  30
   Harmony Heritage Chorus
 6 Kalamazoo                 117 125 123 -13  125 125 122   4 121    849  144 130  25
   Mall City Chorus
 7 Lansing                   120 110 123   6  110 106 117   1 115    808  118 150  40
   Capitol City Chordsmen 
 8 Windsor                   112 115 102  -6  111 109 111  -2 112    764  168 179  30
   Sun Parlour Chorus
 9 Rochester                 105 107  97   3   94  95 100   4 100    705  100 142  35
   Heart Of The Hills Chorus
10 Flint                      92  94  98   3   88  86 100   4  90    655  121 115  23
   Arrowhead Chorus
11 Benton Harbor-St. Joseph   92 102  87   1   89  98  90  -1  91    649  159 128  19
   Fruitbelt Chorus
12 Muskegon                   87 106  92  -3   83  89  88  -4  85    623  122 140  22
   Shoreline Chorus
13 Milford                    87  99  92   0   81  95  79   2  84    619  118 117  15
   Mill Valley Chorus
14 Battle Creek               80 101 121 -27   74 116 138 -20  77   -428a 199 327  18
   Cereal City Chorus

 1 Sing Me That Song Once Again                  Give Me A Good Old Mammy Song
 2 Summer Sounds                                 You Gotta Have Heart - Medley
 3 Back In The Old Routine                       Old Songs Are JustLike Old Friends
 4 The Churchbells Are Ringing For Wary          Take Me To The Land Of Jazz
 5 From The First Hello                          Great Day For The Irish - Medley
 6 Alexander's Ragtime Band                      Take Me To The Land Of Jazz
 7 Keep Your Sunnyside Up                        If I Had The Heart Of A Clown
 8 A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody                Alerander's Ragtime Band
 9 There'll Be No New Tunes                      That Old Quartet Of Mine
10 Tumble Down Shack In Athlone                  Oh You Beautiful Doll
II I Miss You Most Of All                        Tomorrow
12 Jazz Came Up The River                        Have You Ever Heard That Swanee River Cry?
13 Roll On Mississippi                           Story Of The Rose
14 No One's Perfect                              Forgive Us/Mistakes Parody

a - Time penalty 1088 points (136 seconds) - Article 18 of Official Contest Rules
Holland is the Champion.
Grosse Pointe is the Plateau 5 Champion, Wayne is the Plateau 4 Champion, Windsor is the
Plateau 3 Champion, Flint is the Plateau 2 Champion, Benton Harbor-St. Joseph is the
Plateau 1 Champion.

PANEL: CHM         SND             INT             SP              ARR             SEC
Bauer-PIO     E. Uilliamson-SUN   Heilmann-JAD    Casey-MAD      Armstrong-ONT  Gillespie-PIO
King-PIG      H. Williamson-SUN   Kerr-ONT        Duncan-CAR     Papageorge-FWD Maw-ONT