![]() | OFFICIAL SCORING SUMMARY Pioneer District Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc. Battle Creek, Michigan, April 22, 1989 |
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OFFICIAL SCORING SUHHARY DISTRICT CHORUS CONTEST PIONEER DISTRICT, S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc. Battle Creek, Hichigan, April 22, 1989 The Panel Of Judges Chairman Clement Cochran Elma, NY Seneca Land Sound John Bauer Alpena, HI Pioneer Donald G. Flom Scotia, NY Northeastern Interpretation Lance Heilmann Stow, OH Johnny Appleseed Judd Orff Stillwater, MN Land O' Lakes Stage Presence Hichael J. Horgan Rochester, NY Seneca Land Gary H. Stamm Kenosha, WI Land O' Lakes Arrangement Dr. Dennls n. Driscoll College Station, TX Southwestetn Tom A. Gentil Cincinnati, OH Johnny Appleseed Secretary Charles e. Watson Worthington, OH Johnny Appleseed Asst. Secretaries Lawrence King Farmington Hills, MI Pioneer Robert T. McDermott Birmingham, MI Pioneer Timekeepers Richard B. Campbell Battle Creek, MI Pioneer Richard J. Smith Battle Creek, HI Pioneer SND INT SP ARR TOTAL NSS 1 2 SCORE SECONDS MEN l Wayne 154 151 155 149 4l 124 128 4 4 910 137 154 44 Renaissance Chorus 2 Macomb County 116 151 150 151 43 123 127 -2 4 893 117 157 47 Harmony Heritage Chorus 3 Grosse Pointe 133 135 136 140 49 115 114 3 3 828 145 144 57 Lakeshore Chorus 4 Holland 130 129 137 137 37 111 110 1 1 793 145 144 49 Windmill Chorus 5 Flint 123 119 144 l42 33 91 86 3 6 747 134 145 29 Arrowhead Chorus 6 Traverse City 128 124 141 135 31 88 91 3 1 742 184 157 24 Cherry Capital Chorus 7 Battle Creek 123 124 128 118 28 96 95 6 1 719 191 158 30 Cereal City Chorus 8 Lansing ll4 114 131 134 32 94 90 0 -1 708 141 135 35 Capitol City Chorus 9 Saginaw-Bay 109 114 126 128 31 90 84 -1 3 684 124 104 28 Timbreland Chorus 10 Kalamazoo 113 ll8 124 122 27 84 86 4 5 683 81 174 34 Mall City Chorus 11 Clinton Valley 112 l08 104 104 28 88 87 7 4 642 110 116 22 Heart of the Hills Chorus 12 Benton Harbor-St.Joseph 107 104 109 107 25 78 77 -6 3 604 168 151 20 Fruit Belt Chorus 13 Windsor 96 96 111 113 29 78 79 0 1 603 170 138 27 Sun Parlour Chorus 14 Muskegon 95 86 85 94 24 77 71 -1 -3 528 114 228 23 Shoreline Chorus Ineligible Chorus - Article 6 of Official Chorus Contest Rules Milford 95 92 98 99 29 77 76 -4 -4 566 126 165 19 Mill Valley Chorus Wayne Renaissance Chorus is the 1989 Pioneer District Champion. Clinton Valley Heart of the Hills Chorus is the 1989 Plateau I Champion Traverse City Cherry Capital Chorus is the 1989 Plateau II Champion Holland Windmill Chorus is the 1989 Plateau III Champion Macomb County Harmony Heritage Chorus is the 1989 Plateau IV Champion Grosse Pointe Lakeshore Chorus is the l989 Plateau V Champion