Pioneer District Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Warren, Michigan, April 27, 1985

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District Chorus Contest
Pioneer District, S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc.
Warren, MI April 26-27, 1985

THE PANEL OF JUDGES                                                        DISTRICT
Chairman...................Larry King, Farmington Hills, MI                  (PIO)
Sound......................David Carr, Mallorytown, ONT                      (ONT)
                           Frank Martin, Worthington, OH                     (JAD)
Interpretation ............Edward Berry, Jr., Worthington, OH                (JAD)
                           Dan Waselchuk, Appleton, WI                       (LOL)
Stage Presence ............Eugene H. Bowers, Overland Park, KS               (CSD)
                           Richard A. Collins, Warren, PA                    (SLD)
Arrangement................Russell A. Foris, Elmhurst, IL                    (ILL)
                           James A. Stably, Bloomington, IL                  (ILL)
Secretary..................John T. Gillespie, Kalamazoo, MI                  (PIO)
Assistant Secretary........Francis D. Jones, Lowell, MI                      (PIO)
Timekeepers................James Cougeon, Mt. Clemens, MI                    (PIO)
                           William C. Warner, Oak Park, MI                   (PIO)

                               SND      INT         SP        ARR    TOTAL    TIME    MEN  DIV
                                               NSS  1   2
 1.  Wayne                   150 150  153 153   42 113 115   7    7   890    157 143   52   G
      Wonderland Chorus
 2.  Lansing                 134 129  152 149   32  96 102   7    5   806    141 124   36   G
      Capitol City Ch'men
 3.  Windsor                 117 119  126 125   34  88  86   5   10   710a   128 132   34   G
      Sun Parlour Chorus
 4.  Battle Creek            108 115  123 134   26  95  94   5   10   710    134 196   50   G
      Cereal City Chorus
 5.  Huron Valley            120 119  114 125   29  89  97   6    8   707     85 169   29   S
      Huron Valley Chorus
 6.  Monroe                  109 108  124 123   29  91  92   6    7   689    128 118   25   S
      Stateline Chorus
 7.  Gratiot County          120 117  108 113   26  75  82   7    8   656    193 137   29   S
 8.  Benton Harbor-St. Jos.  108 105  117 121   23  72  84  14   -1   643    160 114   25   S
      Fruit Belt Chorus
 9.  Muskegon                112 110  115 117   25  83  76   2    2   642    117 154   27   S
      Shoreline Chorus
10.  Milford                 100 102  107 118   24  75  75   3   10   598a,b 114 124   24   S
      Mill Valley Chorus
11.  Pontiac
      Pontiac Motor Men       99  97  107 105   27 86  75   1    1   598     147 133   25   S

Ineligible Contestant (per Article 6(d) of Chorus Contest Rules)
     Kalamazoo               101 103  115 119   25  73  71   2    3   556c    96 137   17   S
      Mall City Chorus
     Clinton Valley          112 116  107 112   28  82  69   3    7   636    139 127   19   S
      Clinton Valley Ch.

NSS - Non Singing Score        G - Gold Division      S - Silver Division

a - Ranking tie broken by scores in SND
b - Time Penalty - 2 seconds @ 8 points per second
c - Time Penalty - 7 seconds @ 8 points per second

Wayne Wonderland Chorus is the 1985 District Chorus Champion.
Lansing Capitol City Chordsmen is the 1985 Gold Division Chorus Champion.
Huron Valley Chorus is the 1985 Silver Division Chorus Champion.