Pioneer District Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.
Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 28, 1984

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District Chorus Contest
Pioneer District, S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc.
Ann Arbor, MI April 28, 1984

Category:                         SND      INT    SP     ARR   TOTAL  SINGING   ON
Song No:                         1   2    1   2         1   2         SECONDS  STAGE DIV

 1.   Grosse Pointe             151 155  142 147  227  +4  +10  836   140 122   53   G
       Lakeshore Chorus
 2.   Huron Valley              140 133  145 150  216  +8  +13  805   124 187   33   G
       Huron Valley Chorus
 3.   Port Huron                136 132  146 145  224  +3   +1  787   135 116   32   S
       Huron Harmony Chorus
 4.   Detroit #1                133 125  132 133  215  +2    0  740   169 161   49   G
       Motor City Chorus
 5.   Gratiot County            131 131  131 136  197  +9   +1  736   150 154   26   S
 6.   Oakland County            120 124  136 131  173  +5   +8  697   127 143   38   G
       Wolverine Chorus
 7.   Battle Creek              123 118  133 132  176  +5   +5  692   161 168   54   S
       Cereal City Chorus
 8.   Windsor                   118 108  132 131  184  +5   +3  384   136 125   32   S
       Sun Parlour Chorus
 9.   Benton Harbor-St. Joseph  126 136  123 132 155    0   +9  681   129 154   23   S
       Fruit Belt Chorus
10.   Muskegon                  126 133  113 119  155  +3   +1  650   137 149   28   S
       Shoreline Chorus
11.   Flint                     106 110  109 110  165  +2   +3  605   150 127   25   S
       Flint Arrowhead Chorus
12.   Milford                   110 109  115 109  139  +2   -9  575   143 127   24   S
       Mill Valley Chorus
13.   Swan Valley                83  85   85  86  121  -5   -9  446   117 133   20   S
       Swan Valley Soundmen

Ineligible Contestant (per Article 6(d) of Chorus Contest Rules)
      Clinton Valley            107 106  117 116  159  +3    0  608   144 148   19   S
       Clinton Valley Chorus

THE PANEL OF JUDGES                                                        DISTRICT
Chairman..............Larry King, Farmington Hills, MI                       PIO
Sound.................Don Lang, St. Joseph, MI                               PIO
     .................Joe Masotti, Oak Creek, WI                             LOL
Interpretation........Nick Hodnett, Rye, N.Y.                                M-AD
              ........George Peters, Wheaton, IL                             ILL
Stage Presence........Richard Leighton, Cedar Rapids, IA                     CSD
              ........John Sommer, Columbus, OH                              JAD
Arrangement...........Jack Baird, Oak Lawn, IL                               ILL
           ...........Walter Latzko, Blooming Grove, N.Y.                    M-AD
Secretary.............John T. Gillespie, Kalamazoo, MI                       PIO
Ass't Secretary.......Herm Dykema, Kalamazoo, MI                             PIO
Timers................William C. Warner, Oak Park, MI                        PIO
      ................Charles Watson, Worthington, OH                        PIO