Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Midland, Michigan, April 23, 1983
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S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc.
Pioneer District Chorus Contest
Held at Midland, Michigan - April 23, 1983
Category                    SND      INT    SP     ARR          SINGING   ON
Song Number                1   2    1   2         1   2  TOTAL  SECONDS  STAGE  DIV
1. Great Lakes            149 150  154 156  289   9  10   917   137 159   71     G
    Grand Rapids
2. Capital City Chordsmen 134 134  149 146  246   7   3   819   148 130   39     G
3· Wolverine              126 123  133 135  266   4   4   791   124 135   43     G
    Oakland County
4. Lakeshore              131 134  129 135  231   7   5   772   151 140   51     G
    Grosse Polnte
5. Huron Valley           115 117  148 142  234   7   5   768   120 137   41     G
    Huron Valley
6. Timberland Chordsmen   140 134  122 121  215   6   7   745   128 121   23     S
7· Midstatesmen           118 117  129 131  230   6   9   740   133 175   30     S
    Gratiot County
8. Arrowhead              113 109  115 112  218  -2  -7   658   107 140   28     S
9. Clinton Valley         114 105  120 116  188   9  -4   648   121  146  21     S
    Clinton Valley
10. Cherry Capitol        100 103  112 116  202 -10   1   624   140 181   24     S
    Traverse City
11. Fruit Belt            103 103  120 119  168   7  -9   611   148 176   27     S
    Benton Harbor-St. Jos.
12. Shoreline             105  98  110 105  169   6   1   594   140 148   28     S
13. Sun Parlour            92  92  106 103  191  -5   1   580   129 133   26     S
14. Huron Harmony          92  92  106 102  173   7   3   575   123 157   23     S
    Port Huron
15. Mall City             100  96   94  96  169   1   4   560   121 119   22     S
16. Mill Valley            97  94   96  94  169   1  -1   550   140 103   24     S
17. Swan Valley Soundmen   83  83   91  87   96   6   4   450   172 131   24     S
    Swan Valley

Ineligible Chorus - PerArticle 6. d. of Chorus Contest Rules
    AuSable Valley         85  83   92  86  121  -2   3   468   104 138   15     S

Great Lakes is 1983 District Chorus Champion
Capitol City Chordsmen is Gold Division Champion
Timberland Chordsmen is Silver Division Champion

THE PANEL OF JUDGES                                                          DISTRICT
Chairman...................Don Lang, St. Joseph, Michigan                      PIO
Sound......................Frank L. Martin, Worthington, Ohio                  JAD
     ......................Joe Masotti, Oak Creek, Wisconsin                   LOL
Interpretation.............Douglas Miller, Fridley, Minnesota                  LOL
              .............William Thorton, Dallas, Texas                      SWD
Stage Presence.............Robert B. Mulligan, Birmingham, Michigan            PIO
              .............George H. Nicholson, St. Catharines, Ontario        ONT
Arrangement................Don Gray, Cincinnati, Ohio                          JAD
           ................Stephen Jamison, Kents Hill, Maine                  NED
Secretary..................Larry King, Farmington Hills, Michigan              PIO
Timers.....................James Gougeon, Mt. Clemens, Michigan                PIO
      ·····················Jeffrey B. Loomas, St. Charles, Michigan            PIO