Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Lansing, Michigan, April 24, 1982
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Pioneer District - S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A., Inc.
District Chorus Contest
Held at Lansing, Michigan - April 24, t982
Category                    SND       INT    SP     ARR            SINGING   ON
Song No.:                  1   2     1   2                  TOTAL  SECONDS  STAGE  DIV
RANK Contestant
1. Wonderland             148 153   146 148  280  +2  +2     879   131 193   56     G
2. Wolverine              143 136   139 134  239  +4  +2     797   153 100   55     G
     Oakland County
3. Lakeshore              118 117   135 138  234   0  +4     746   160 150   42     G
     Grosse Pointe
4. Capitol City Chordsmen 141 141   132 121  195  +4  +4     738   140 130   40     G
5. Fruit Belt             121 116   139 137  196  +4  +5     718   174 102   29     G
     Benton Harbor-St.Joseph
6. Midstatesmen           134 132   125 119  211 -11  +7     717   135 132   29     S
     Gratiot County
7. Friends Of The Chord   139 144   119 120  177  +3 +11     713   170 139   29     S
     Huron Valley
8. Clinton Valley         129 131   123 124  173  +1  +9     690   117 155   24     S
     Clinton Valley
9. Timberland Chordsmen   127 127   130 124  165  -3  +8     678   163 156   21     S
10. Sun Parlour           117 116   119 116  196  +1  +5     670   121 122   33     S
11. Arrowhead             128 127   121 120  165  -1  -2     658   146 126   31     G
12. Windmill              129 133   106 103  163 -33   0     601   147 153   20     S
13. Mall City              88  87   113  98  153  +3  +6     548   134 141   20     S
14. Huron Valley           87  89    94  98  143   0  -8     503   101 151   20     S

Ineligible Contestant (per Article 6(d) of Chorus Contest Rules)
     Muskegon              91  90   99  97  145   +8  +3     533   119 143   19     S

G - Gold Division
S - Silver Division
Wayne Wonderland Chorus is the 1982 District Chorus Champion.
Oakland County Wolverine Chorus is the 1982 Gold Division Chorus Champion.
Gratiot County Midstatesmen Chorus is the 1982 Silver Division Chorus Champion.

The Panel of Judges
Chairman....................Larry King, Farmington Hills, Mich.                          PIO
Sound.......................Joe A. Brule, Huntsburg, Ohio                                JAD
     .......................Frank Martin, Worthington, Ohio                              JAD
Interpretation..............Doug Miller, Kenosha, Wisc.                                  LOL
              ..............Steve Plumb, Essex Junction, Vt.                             NED
Stage Presence..............Joe Bradbury, Ontario, NY                                    SLD
              ..............Robert Mulligan, Birmingham, Mich.                           PIO
Arrangement.................Tom Gentry, Akron, Ohio                                      JAD
           .................Don Gray, Cincinnati, Ohio                                   JAD
Secretary...................John T. Gillespie, Kalamazoo, Mich.                          PIO
Assistant Secretary.........Fran Jones, Grand Rapids Mich.                               PIO
Timers......................Harold McAttee, Lansing, Mich.                               PIO
      ......................Bill Warner, Oak Park, Mich.                                 PIO

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