Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Traverse City, Michigan, April 25, 1982
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Pioneer District - S.P.E.B.S.&.S.A., Inc.
District Chorus Contest
Held at Traverse City, Michigan - April 25, 1981

Category:                     SND      INT    S P    ARR            On
Song No.:                    1   2    1   2         1   2   TOTAL Stage
RANK Contestant
 1. Motor City              160 153  149 155  310   3    1   931    60
     Detroit #1
 2. Wolverine               146 146  348 146  275   8    3   872    46
     Oakland County
 3. Lakeshore               137 135  140 140  263   6    4   825    57
     Grosse Pointe
 4· Capitol City Chordsmen  142 132  128 126  259   4    2   793    27
 5. Midstatesmen            121 120  118 133  215   3    7   717    31
     Gratiot County
 6. Cherry Capitol          123 124  113 120  200   7    3   690    31
     Traverse City
 7. Sun Parlour             105 101   98 102  226   1  -12   621    31
 8. Northland                89  85   90  89  142   0    0   495    27
     Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.

Ineligible Contestants (per Article 6(d) of Chorus Contest Rules
 9. Fruit Belt              109 115  108 133  178   4   4    651   19
     Benton Harbor-St. Joseph
10. Clinton Valley          106 102  110 108  162   7   2    597   15
     Clinton Valley
11. Huron Valley             87  89   81  87  122   2   0    468   13
12. Mall City                80  85   83  83  137  -4   2    466   14

The MOTOR CITY CHORUS is the 1981 Pioneer District Champion.
The WOLVERINE CHORUS is the 1981 Gold Division Champion,
The CAPITOL CITY CHORDSMEN is the 1981 Silver Division Champion.

The Panel of Judges
Chairman...............R. H. Severance, Carmel, Ind.                              CAR
Sound..................James D. Richards, St. Paul, Minn.                         LOL
     ..................Robert J. Wachter, Alexandria, Va.                         MAD
Interpretation.........Kenneth Jordahl, Algonquin, Ill.                           ILL
              .........Dan Waselchuk, Appleton, Wise.                             LOL
Stage Presence.........James T. Lyons, Theodore, Ala.                             DIX
              .........Robert B. Mulligan, Birmingham, Mich.                      PIO
Arrangement............Russ Foris, Elmhurst, Ill.                                 ILL
           ............Tom Gentil, Cincinnati, Ohio                               JAD
Secretary..............Larry King, Farmington Bills, Mich.                        PIO
Assistant Secretary....Fran Jones, Rockford, Mich.                                PIO
Timers.................Bob Dixon, Battle Creek, Mich.                             PIO
      ·················Don Funk, Lansing, Mich.                                   PIO
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