Pioneer District HeaderPioneer District
Chorus Contest, SPEBSQSA, Inc.,
Midland, Michigan, April 23, 1977
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PANEL OF JUDGES                                                            DISTRICT
Chairman of Judges   Lawrence King, Livonia, Michigan                      Pioneer
Sound                Don Lang, St. Joseph, Michigan                        Pioneer
                     Ronald Phillips, Mason City, Iowa                     Central States
Interpretation       Steve Hanrahan, Huntington, W.V.                      Johnny Appleseed
                     Melvin Harris, Charlotte, N.C.                        Dixie   
Stage Presence       Robert Mulligan, Birmingham, Michigan                 Pioneer
                     John Sommer, Grove City, Ohio                         Johnny Appleseed
Arrangement          Jack Baird, Oak Lawn, Illinois                        Illinois
                     Al Baker, Buffalo, New York                           Seneca Land
Secretsry            Chuck Nasser, Michigan City, Indiana                  Cardinal
Asst. Secty.         Carrol Mavis, Reynoldsburg, Ohio                      Johnny Appleseed
Trimers              Jack Frucci, Grosse Ile, Michigan                     Pioneer
                     Bill Dolzel, Bay City, Michigan                       Pioneer

                           DISTRICT CHORUS CONTEST
                                       STAGE                 SIMGING   A     B
Category:              SOUND     INT.  PRES.   ARR.          SECONDS  RANK  RANK
Song Numbers:          1   2    1   2         1   2   TOTAL   1   2
Divn.- Chorus

A  1.  Grand Rapids   145 136  129 135  275   3  -4    819   135 137   1
A  2.  Grosse Pointe  127 124  131 125  286  -4  -1    788   114 154   2
A  3.  Oakland County 120 130  126 120  260   1   0    757   137 150   3
B  4.  Traverse City  120 120  135 138  254 -13  -1    753   162 164        1
B  5.  Saginaw-Bay    101 102  123 120  217  -6  -2    655   161 142        2
B  6.  Benton Harbor-
        St. Joseph     98 101  106 116  202   3  -1    625   146 150        3
B  7.  Lansing        104 111  107 110  212   0  -7    597  a100 135        4
A  8.  Clinton Valley 100  91  114 106  179   2  -2    590   149 164   4
B  9.  Port Huron     103 104  109 114  163  -8  -8    577   105 184        5
B 10.  Holland        103 111  104 102  133  -2  -3    548   128 137        6
B 11.  Gratiot County  90  87   91  90  162   3  -1    522   138 158        7
B 12.  Kalamazoo       85  85   87  86  145   2   1    491   160 162        8

B 13.  Windsor         78  76   89  94  159  -2  -3    443 xy 88 146        9

Grand Rapids Chorus are the 1977 District Chorus Champions.
Traverse City Chorus are the 1977 Silver Division Champions.
(a) Time Penalty: 40 points (5 seconds at 8 points per second)
(x) Time Penalty: 48 points (6 seconds at 8 points per second)
(y) Disqualified per Rule 5C.
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